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April 18th, 2016

[info]maryanne_walker in [info]compass_network

In memory of Isabel, Franny, Eddie and Logan the Diner will be closed. After a week, I want to remodel it to resemble a southern country kitchen.

If there's anyone that wants to help the remodel, let me know.

[info]almostchosen in [info]compass_network

So uh, there's a new door. To where I'm from.

It opens up to a tunnel, if you go right you'll end up in a school, left will bring you in to a pub in the village. I talked to the owner and he won't say anything about people coming through, will probably help out if you have any questions. I wouldn't go to the school just yet, I haven't had the chance to talk to the headmistress yet and uh, you don't want to surprise her.

For anyone who isn't magic, it might be a little strange but if you have any questions you can always ask. I can get money too, please don't try and steal anything, it will probably not work and more than likely there's some kind of charm on the stores to keep you from getting away if you try.

Lily and Remus

We...might want to talk a little, before you go to far, it opens in 2002.

[info]lacey_burrows in [info]compass_network

Filtered to Dmitri, Julie, and Max.

I hear we're closing for a week and having a remodel.

Would you like to get together at my apartment? We can share memories of Isabel and catch up.

My café from Dog River has arrived on the island. I'd like to open it, but I don't want any of you to feel like I'm abandoning the diner. I'm sure we can work something out.

[info]anotherhellhole in [info]compass_network

I found my phone again! It was in Hell's Gate, and I kinda wasn't. What've I missed?