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February 19th, 2016

[info]sookie_sully in [info]compass_network

I was talking to Cristiano the other day about his world, and that got me thinking about how many different cultures and backgrounds we have on the island. I think it would be good to get know about other places. Maybe we could have multicultural nights. Not every night, just every couple weeks, or one a month. We could do themes. Like one month could be a potluck where people bring foods from their homes. Or a music night, where we teach each other different songs and dances. Or a technology night, where we share different types of technology from different places. And so on. It could be fun.

What does everyone think?

[info]hamrammr in [info]compass_network

So I had this Victorian couple over for dinner the other day and their house needs some work like they need a roof that actually keeps the rain out or exists from what I gather.

Anyway, they are lovely folks but haven't figured out how to work the internet. So I am playing spokesman. Would anyone be willing to help?


[info]abigail_hobbs in [info]compass_network

I want to remind my papa's, Dr. Lecter's, patients that I'm available if they'd like appointments. He was training me before he disappeared and I'm willing to listen and offer any help I can. I can work with new patients too, again with the understanding that my training wasn't complete.

I work at the bakery. In honour of Eliana's arrival, I'll be making some special pink treats. Everyone is welcome to stop by and try one. They won't all be desserts. I'm making a special salmon dish too.

And don't forget to see the Phantom when we're ready!

That's all I had to say. What's new with everyone else?