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April 1st, 2015

[info]sarcasmdefense in [info]compass_network


Hey there was kissing and making up...which since I wasn't aware we were dating was kind of interesting.

We need to figure out what the hell we're doing.

[info]notaskxawng in [info]compass_network

So... has someone lost their magic? I've got some.

[info]jrsully in [info]compass_network

Whoever took the battle flag I hung on my wall last week and replaced it with a Pokemon poster is asking for trouble.

[info]kolkoon in [info]compass_network

All right, what the hell?

Prussian blue tube, yellow ochre paint. Raw umber tube, cadmium red paint-

It's all very pop art.

[info]well_of_wonder in [info]compass_network

[As always in Cheshire fashion, scrolling over this entry produces a bright cat smile before a video plays. Cheshire is laying in front of a door on her side, head propped upon a hand as she gives the most playful of smiles.]

Something new has appear~red! It reads Washington, D.C.

I wonder~r while I'll find on the other side? Lets go see~

Oh! While I have you; Happy April Fools~

[The woman winks and the video closes.]

[info]fuckitybye in [info]compass_network

Brushing my teeth with hand cream, gravy instead of coffee, and my shoes don't fit. And then I remembered the date.

Fuck this, I'm going back to bed.

[info]genepunk in [info]compass_network

This is different. Wrong body, wrong gender, and no force powers.

Maybe I should take a shower and see if this body will have a tail?

[info]isalwayscold in [info]compass_network

Filtered to TW

So I was going for a hike today and found a nice, dry little cave that I think I'm going move into. There's a great place to build a fire, which should keep other animals away and keep it safe and warm. Anyone want to join me?

[info]tom_jr in [info]compass_network

Hɐs ɐuʎouǝ qǝǝu ʇo ʇɥǝ dɐɹʞ ʎǝʇ ʇopɐʎ¿