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September 11th, 2013

[info]izzyshaw in [info]compass_network

Just a thought: why don't we move people over to the other side of the door until whatever's causing the nightmares goes away? They have more cots than they know what to do with and the only people in Stark Tower right now are rescue workers, so...

[info]anotherhellhole in [info]compass_network

If I have to be in bed all the time, can I at least do it in my apartment? If Tommy's cool with it, I can be in the Avatar and be useful, and the link unit monitors my vitals anyway, so that's cool. Right?

[info]starksnr in [info]compass_network

Email to Maria Stark


I believe we know each other. It would be an honor, if you you would allow me the pleasure of making your acquaintance, if you have time.

Fondest regards,

[info]maryanne_walker in [info]compass_network

Okay I can't do the whole... "keep people safe" kitty style anymore.

And I'm sorry to anyone I let down last night when I shifted in the middle of the night and didn't wake you up as soon as the dreams started. My senses... They aren't as strong as they were.

We need a better plan.

Does anyone have a scarf I could borrow?

[Clint(both), Harry, Mitchell, Sean, and Tim]

Okay because you guys are the most likely to freak out. I had a dream. In that dream he grabbed me by the throat. So... I kinda have this lovely handmark. It doesn't hurt. too much It's just very... dark.

I can't shift. So I can't make it go away.

[info]rare_fabulosity in [info]compass_network

Email to Applejack

Applejack, are you alright up there? I've been keeping busy at work or watching the children with Isabel and the others at the daycare. Arnold has been kind enough to watch over me at night and wake me if I should start to find myself injured. So far, I have been alright, but I'm dreadfully tired.

I have heard some say that beyond the door is safe from the nightmares. I hope you have gone. You need your rest for the baby. I won't hear a word of it otherwise and I will drag you there with myself! I have a handle on my magic, now. You'll be in for it!

[info]harry_dresden_ in [info]compass_network

Open to other magic users

Who has a way for me to hack into dreams...this has to end