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May 16th, 2013

[info]anaire in [info]compass_network

Greetings, everyone!

As some of you know, but many of you likely do not, this week has seen the wedding of Aikanáro, one of our kin, and Andreth, a human of the house of Bëor.

In the spirit of friendship and reconciliation that this marriage represents between our kindreds, I should like to extend an invitation to everyone on the island, of whatever race, to attend a ball on the 8th of June at Vinyamar.

There will be food and dance and celebration of all sorts, and I hope that it may serve to assuage some of the misunderstanding that has existed between us all.

I know that is still some time, but I would love to speak to all the musicians, dancers entertainers, seamstresses, decorators, cooks, bakers and such in order to make this the the most enjoyable occasion for all involved.

All will be welcome to stay the night as we would not wish for you to fall to harm crossing back through the mountains in the dark.

Please respond by the 28th of May if you will be attending so that we may know how many to prepare for. We hope to see many of you there!

[info]sonofhades in [info]compass_network

Is there anything I can do around here to help that isn't going to get me killed?

Or in trouble?

[info]turukano in [info]compass_network

I am finding the differences between the treatment of men and women far more disturbing than I ever thought they would be. When I was a woman, I think that I was too used to the way I was treated to see clearly how internalized such things could be, and how deeply such things persist in our society.

So following from that thought, I should like to ask some questions. I think perhaps just one at a time, since there is much to think about and discuss about each.

So, to begin.

Would you consider a woman who works, of her own free will and with no pressure or compulsion, in a strip club to be equally respectable to, say, a teacher or a waitress? Please explain your answer either way.

[info]turukano in [info]compass_network

Is there a shelter in the park?

Because I think it would be a lovely place to socialize, even on days when it is raining, if we had a shelter there.

And I should very much like to get to know all of you better!

My husband will build us a lovely shelter, I am certain of it.

[info]ex_stevengro92 in [info]compass_network

Filtered from other Steve and Peggy

Is there someone around here that I can talk to about girl troubles?

[info]offthepeg in [info]compass_network

filtered to the girls

I need some advice.

On Saturday night, Steve is taking me out and apparently we're going dancing but I don't know anything more than that.

He and I are both very shy and quite old-fashioned (but I suppose time is relative here) so I need some advice about... sex.

My mother died long before she could tell me about such things so I'm asking advice here. What is a woman's... role? I know mechanics of course and I've heard gossip but it would be nice to have some honest truth from real people.

More specifically, how do I know that we're both ready for such a step forward? I don't want to risk ruining things.

[info]aikanaro in [info]compass_network

Why do humans pierce their ears?

I should think it would be very painful.

[info]_faramir in [info]compass_network

[Filtered to Éowyn]

Have you made arrangements of where you will live once you leave the hospital? I would be glad to help you find a room in the tower, or perhaps you could ask your brother to stay with him? I would not like to see you without a safe place to go, once you are well.