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May 12th, 2013

[info]vanya_elenwe in [info]compass_network

Greetings, fellow Islanders!
Now that the festivities have ended in the park near the healing hou Hospital, construction of the memorial mentioned before will commence in that location.

I ask that you avoid the site as it will be an unstable environment until such a time as it is complete. Should you like to walk in the park please skirt the area and be aware of the danger.

Thank you.

[info]malchik_ in [info]compass_network

i ca saw [...] uh ангел anjel

[info]itarille in [info]compass_network

[Filtered; Mother]
I have become mistress to the sea, and my son a second class concern to his father. Every day he leaves him with me while he goes to the sea. And now he has a ship! Which I am glad for, let it please him, but by the Valar's grace.

Eärendil has not stopped crying. What am I to do with him when he wants his father but his father is too busy for him! What am I to tell him?

[Filtered; Fingon]
Uncle? If I might get my father to lend me Glamdring or Orcist will you take Eärendil and teach him to fight? He has been asking and I do not know how to wield a sword to any use.

Else I would teach him myself.

[info]tuor in [info]compass_network

I have had a ship arrive from home today!

If anyone would like to join me on-board tonight, I shall be sailing her around the island and perhaps doing some fishing.

If you have wine, or alcohol, it would be most welcome in as large a quantity as you can carry.

[info]aikanaro in [info]compass_network

[Filtered to Idril]

Is all well? I could not help but see your husband's post.

[Filtered to Andreth]

I haven't heard from you -

I wish I knew what to say to make this easier

Good afternoon.


I do not understand mother's day. Shouldn't mothers be respected every day? And what of women who choose not to have children? They have worth, too.

[info]harry_dresden_ in [info]compass_network

I was told there was a genie here...I need to speak with them

[info]mostloyalruby in [info]compass_network

What is morality, anyway? How do we decide what is right and what is wrong? Isn't everything relative, really?

You say you do the 'right thing', or that you try to, but how do you judge that? Life is a zero sum game, so everything you do, every step ahead you take hurts somebody. There are winners and losers in everything you do, so who is to say that helping one person is RIGHT if it hurts another?

I say we should all just cast aside the idea of right and wrong. They're stupid ideas.

[info]ghostwiththetea in [info]compass_network

I was wondering if anyone needed me for anything...I've got itchy ghostly feet.

[info]misssavannah in [info]compass_network

I still have no idea how to work this fucking thing, and I can't find anyone...and so far the only job going is stripper and I don't do that any more

[info]gregory_housemd in [info]compass_network

Open to Isabel

Do you miss me yet?

[info]turukano in [info]compass_network

[Filtered to Turgon]

I am learning much about you. Much that will be useful later, I think.

And...have you spoken to Itarillë?