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April 23rd, 2013

[info]notdarthrevan in [info]compass_network

Filtered away from Kishan

[Ooc:Backdated to after this:]

What I wouldn't do for a single glass of Tarisian Ale just now.

[info]findekano in [info]compass_network

Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë!

[info]weapon_x_23 in [info]compass_network

If Mitchell had not proved it was bad to attack the Spire: I would rend it stone by stone, and then cleave the stones into small pieces.

I dislike this place.

[info]_eames in [info]compass_network

Happy St. George's Day to my fellow English ex-pats.

If you'd like to come over to mine for a cup of tea and a rousing verse or two of Jerusalem.

Of course I'll open my doors to anyone, but you have to put on an English accent. Or at least dress up as a famous English person. I'm serious about that. Suggestions include the Queen, Queen, and any one of the Spice Girls.

[info]aedwardstark in [info]compass_network

This is about how I feel most of the time )

[info]third_marshal in [info]compass_network

[Filtered; Freda]
Can we walk, or ride? I've been sitting or pacing for days and I must get out.

That doesn't make me a horrible husband does it?

She hasn't woken, but I'm half afraid she will while I'm out and then she'll panic and be afraid.


[Filtered; Faramir]
I do have a task for you.

[info]findekano in [info]compass_network


The sun is bright and warm here, and I have rested well. I should now like to have some questions answered, if there are any here with the wisdom to do so.

I am called Findekáno. I am the eldest son of Ñolofinwë, grandson of Finwë, and I am the High King of the Ñoldor in Beleriand. As I stood on the battlefield prior to arriving here, I am grieved and concerned at what may befall my men in my absence. How do I return? What fell power has brought me here?

Edit: I am told that I may be better known by my Sindarin name, Fingon, and my father by his, Fingolfin.

[info]turukano in [info]compass_network

[Filtered against Merry]
Hobbits are wonderfully delightful creatures. Lord Glorfindel told me some about them and I find it most remarkable that such tiny creatures have such strength and will inside them.

Merry's agreed to exchange stories of our descendents, Elenwë, for the building of his home. And so I have a new project! It has been a long time since I have been able to put my skill to use.

Though I have never built a Hobbit Hole, before.

[info]queenofrohan in [info]compass_network

[OOC: Trigger warning, talk of miscarriage]


Cruel fate, cruel world, why did I awaken to find this? Let me sleep. Let me sleep forever.

[info]kalimac in [info]compass_network

So, does anyone here know how to build things? Like...houses? Or. Hobbit holes?

I live on the first floor of the apartment, but I'd still rather have a hole. Does anyone know how to do that?

And I don't mean just digging a hole, hobbit holes are different. We're not rabbits. I mean we like nice things. And comfort.

So can anyone help?

[info]prizeofachilles in [info]compass_network

Is there anyone here who is in need of food?

I know many new men have arrived, and how hopeless men can be making food.

[info]harry_dresden_ in [info]compass_network

Hello...I'm not so great with computers, so...this is weird...My name is Harry Dresden and I'm not a happy wizard right now