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April 7th, 2013

[info]living_history in [info]compass_network

Would these two just get out already? I don't care that I still have another week to my due date.

[info]hamrammr in [info]compass_network

Email to Malcolm and Faramir

As we are now three people, doing this via email might be easier. Faramir, Malcolm agreed to help as well and he worked in politics before.

So, I have no idea how to actually go about this. Maybe collect important points at first. I will set up a part soon, asking everyone for their current jobs and what kind of positions still need to get filledand positions they would like to see in the future.

I also think it would be wise to assign a few organisational posts. If we won't responsibility will just get pushed from one person to the next. Security is one of the most important positions there. I heard Q wanted to do it and if we make it official, it might help the cause. Food: Aj and Mac are already on charge there so that's an easy one. But so far we only got fresh food. We should find a way to process it. Put one or two in charge of research there, maybe more. I don't think we have yet emptied all the supermarkets. Maybe get a team of two or three together, maybe more who stumpy take a look around and search for useful stuff. They could make a map, putting down what store is where. We could try to fix a few extra cars. I don't think fine are enough in the long run. Hunting, someone needs to look at the animal population so that we don't kill all the animals. Medicalwise, it would be good to have someone in charge there as well. I was thinking about Watson. He already did most of the work.

As for the meeting itself, one of us should play secretary and write things down or we could switch or get someone else to do it. We could address every point one after another. Maybe we should agree on a few terms before the meeting starts, for example that the majority decides. What shall we do if we don't find enough volunteers? There might be people who would rather not do anything at all but still profit from the rest.


Later forwarded to Enjorlas with the following words added: Now we are four.