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February 19th, 2013

[info]born_to_run in [info]compass_network

Sawyer's dead.

[info]destiny_awaits in [info]compass_network

I'm not sure whom I should give notice to, but I've brought several kinds of small game back from the hunt, I imagine they'll make excellent broth or stew for some of those suffering the influenza. Could someone direct me where they might need to be delivered?

Merlin, thought you should know; hunting really is far more efficient when I don't have you galumphing through the undergrowth like a great beast and scaring the game in the wrong direction.

[info]hunterofwitches in [info]compass_network

Filtered from Max Guevara

So um, I've got this lady following me around telling me she loves me and I don't even know what to do. It's really weird. Normally I'd just brush it off because it has happened before, but this one is....she's not like the women I'm used to dealing with.

What's going on here? Seriously.

[info]theheartofme in [info]compass_network

filtered; Mystic Falls gang, sans Klaus & Katherine

I think we should all get together and talk about things. So much has happened, so many of us are gone. We don't even have to talk about...everything if no one wants to. We could just be together for a bit. I'm really trying not to focus on the fact I've lost my dad again, my brother. Why did Jeremy have to be taken? I'm such a hormonal mess

[info]the_mariner in [info]compass_network

Has anyone tried to sail around this island?

[info]asummersday in [info]compass_network

So apparently four of my best friends are dead and no one even thought to say anything to me about it but, hey, there you go. That's life, right?

And that's not even counting my boyfrie someone else I cared about a lot.

This week just keeps getting better and fucking better.

'Scuse me if I'm just over here not giving a crap about anything for a while.

[info]u_al_evrybdy in [info]compass_network

I'm flattered with all these comparisons to a certain Hobbit I shall not name, but I'm not him.

I'm a bloody rock god, that's what I am.

[info]living_history in [info]compass_network

Filtered from Calleigh and Ramses

My sister has gone insane. I love Sam, but marrying him?

Who marries somebody they met a couple days earlier?

[info]gwen_pendragon in [info]compass_network

Giaus? Where are you? Where am I

[info]pissing_jenga in [info]compass_network

My condolences to those who've lost someone. Whilst I'm more than aware there is a life-threatening, very serious influenza virus affecting the Island and that everyone's combined efforts are with hope, seeing it under control..

I can't help but feel, over the course of the last few days the hopefully temporary lovesick insanity that appears to be affecting many of the otherwise uninfected.. is the really crappy icing on the particularly nasty cake - has anyone snapped out of it yet?