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February 17th, 2013

[info]amandameyerson in [info]compass_network

Her beauty is that of a million diamonds glittering in the sun
Each reflecting its own ray of light making brilliant patterns
The angels gasp in the wake of her presence
She in herself being a masterpiece of God’s work
As his giant gentle hands molded her he knew exactly who she would be

She would be the one who could make me stop and gasp
Who could content me just being within my arms
Making me fill with warmth through just a brush of the lips
Whose smile could light up the surrounding darkness
Whose laugh could make anyone believe they had wings

She would be the one who I would fall for
Who would see her true beauty in the surrounding gloom
Who would long for mere minutes with her
Who would always long for just the feel of her hand

I know how lucky I am
I won't mistake infatuation over love
I realize all my prayers have been answered
I simply pray “I want her to be the one”

(OOC: Poem originally written by someone else and I did a little editing to fit the occasion.)

[info]renaantilles in [info]compass_network

Something has happened to Micha and Kytana. They're acting very strange. I mean I know that love is allowed in my day, but in their day it wasn't so this is really weird for them.

This isn't them.

[info]kishanrajaram in [info]compass_network

Translated from Hindi

When it arrives on your doorstep, the first thing every love
asks is: can you jump from the window for me? Can you stab
your heart for me? Every love asks this: can you fly with me,
with only the stumps of your arms?

When love arrives on your doorstep, it will not leave soon.
It has to go to some mountain or valley. To an ocean or river.
It comes to your house out of the blue, and wants to know if
you will come along to drown with it or not.

Every love gives you enough time to die for it.

[info]cfbarton in [info]compass_network

A few days ago I asked Natasha to marry me.

She said yes.

[info]_grantaire in [info]compass_network

ENGLISH is my not language . and books writing i letters comprehend.

sorry please.

[info]night_song in [info]compass_network

Be it far from me to disrupt the joyous after effects of your lovely Valentine Day escapades, but this might be important to some people.

Kaya and Erol have succumbed to the virus. I've asked for them to be cremated.

Have a good day.

[info]moneypenny_ in [info]compass_network

Is everybody getting married again?

[info]brotherofdemons in [info]compass_network

Is there someone on this Island that can perform marriage ceremonies?

[info]aedwardstark in [info]compass_network

In the wake of everything that is going on, I think that my experiment needs to be back on.

Those of you that volunteered, I appreciate it. Thank you very much.

I'll need to see either Alex or Annie first.

Ira, will you be available Wednesday afternoon?

Maryanne, just let me know when you're in the tower again visiting Mac and we can set something up then.

Private to Desmund )

Again, thank you for everyone that volunteered.