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February 1st, 2013

[info]pissing_jenga in [info]compass_network

[Filtered to adults]

I suppose this is a form of public notice – but it's mostly because no one on this Island deserves just to be passed by, though many of us here do keep to ourselves for the most part. I'm sorry to report Nick Cutler's remains were found in the forest, and having seemingly not returned to her apartment his wife Rachel is presumed missing.

He and I were, from the same world or whatever you might like to call it and though he was for a short time a patient of mine, we weren't much closer than acquaintances. However, I do know that he was taking the steps toward overcoming addiction, which makes this loss all the more poignant. If there is someone here perhaps closer to him or to Rachel Cutler who has something they'd like to do or arrange, by all means please do - we'd like to help.

[info]amandameyerson in [info]compass_network

If anyone is ever in need of a hug for any reason that isn't perverted and you don't have a significant other to bestow it, feel free to give me a ring. My mum always said my hugs were therapeutic.

I've also been told that I'm a good listener and I'm very good with comfort food.

[info]_methos_ in [info]compass_network

It would appear that we're back to the sex dilemma, which after everything's that happened, is quite understandable. People need to bitch in the wake of helplessness.

Just in case you were unaware.

[info]loki_doki in [info]compass_network

Where is my brother?

[info]ghostwiththetea in [info]compass_network

OK I'm Annie and I'm new here...even though apparently...I'm sort of not...and I figured I should get to know more than four people...but I'm really, really nervous... So please be nice to me

[info]amandameyerson in [info]compass_network

Is there anyone that can teach me how to use this wand? I can light it up and I can bring things flying at my face and that's about it. I'd like to know more.