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December 6th, 2012

[info]on_thewagon in [info]compass_network

Tom? Alex?

[info]hungry_likethe in [info]compass_network

whats going on?

[info]pure_tigress in [info]compass_network

Is there anyone else here who I'd know? Also would you like to catch up at some point?

Do you want to meet at some poin?

[info]pull_my_finger in [info]compass_network

Filtered away from Gilbert, Annie (au), and Hal

I have a weird request....

Would anyone be willing to get completely wasted and let someone feel on the back of their head?

[info]hereforareason in [info]compass_network

I'm going to speak one more time before I throw this thing into the ocean and take off with Annie.

You don't know me? That's fine. It's my assumption that in most universes, I actually went through my door instead of staying with Annie. I'm a vegetarian and a pacifist, although you lot have shifted my views bit by bit over the past four years. And you know, that's fine too. You won't ever accept us for who we are? That's fine too, I guess. Not much I can do about that.

But I thought we were all adults here, capable of listening to one another before we fly off the handle. I know I am. Actually, I think that considering that I just wore a bomb and blew the Old Ones straight to hell, I was pretty patient with the situation as a whole. Especially when you consider that Annie and I actually walked through her door and weren't supposed to end up here. We're done. We're empty, tired, at the end of our ropes, reeling with emotion and disappointment.

But apart from believing that I no longer deserve to be a called a pacifist, what on Earth makes you think that it is right to threaten Annie? Five years ago, I would probably have held my tongue, but fuck you. I do not approve.

I'm going to let tempers cool now, but you'll have to work hard to earn our trust again. That's how the world has worked before this and that's how it will work after this. Just because you're werewolves, ghosts and vampires, doesn't mean you're below or above it or any less human. And that's how I am going to treat the lot of you.

Thank you for reminding how much I hate people.