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September 4th, 2012

[info]weasley_magic in [info]compass_network

I know its not good to lock yourself in your room, but I'm a little nervous to walk around this area alone. I'm not sure what might show up. I also don't know anyone besides Sirius here. I need to branch out and hide some place else. Is there anyone willing to join me?

[info]onedalek in [info]compass_network

This place seems to be a nexus of strange events, much like the train was. I wonder if it will continue so, and manifest events like the train did, 'crazy weeks' so to speak.

[info]history_maker in [info]compass_network

Blog Post

Nick Cutler - Blog Post #005 (Public)

Well. This week certainly got interesting. And as far as I can tell, I can't blame Mitchell for any of it. First I agree with him, now I can't find a reason to troll him? Maybe the world is going to implode.

I don't suppose anyone's identified any more props? No? Shame. I was hoping for a spaceship next. Before I call forth the wrath of the island, though, I am aware that it's been a rough few days for everyone. Some more than others. I am sorry. Well But there is something crash related that needs to be mentioned. Remember the (archaic) newspaper we all woke up to one morning before the crash? And remember the part where, instead of news, it was an amateur story? I want to talk about that. It mentions a magical tower, strange island, books and a plane crash. We're good for all of those now, the plane crash being after the fact. In which case, is anyone who survived who arrived on the plane feeling a bit...fictional? Or know of anyone called Amelia? That would be great.

I don't think there's much more to be said on the other of this week's issues. Except for:
( ・_・)>-□-□

[Tags: deal with it, stranger than fiction]