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September 1st, 2012

[info]andintheendfear in [info]compass_network

[Filtered from Deidre]


That said, I'm making an alcohol raid, anyone need anything? I promise fast delivery! And has anyone else noticed the annoying increase in rats? I'm wondering if we should start setting up traps around the apartments (I wouldn't trust some of us not to eat the poison).

[info]shieldwidow in [info]compass_network

Whoever did this there is going to be hell to pay. You do not mess with me and expect to get away with it. Trust me on this.

[info]william_pratt in [info]compass_network

So, buried my mum. What's up with you lot then?

[info]maryanne_walker in [info]compass_network

Attention Super-villain types. (Blog)

(OoC: this isn't filtered to, only attention to, anyone's welcome to comment)

Okay first, I want you to know you aren't the only ones who lost people. All this talk about killing, and murder and mayhem... It's not going to go unchecked. You fuck up here, you fuck up big. You might have been large and in charge and super awesome where you came from, but this isn't where you came from. But there are things here that are bigger and meaner than you. And I'm not talking about the critters in the forest. So you're murder mayhem spree stopped at the door.

I don't give a flying fuck what you did in your world or where you came from. But I'm going not sit idly by and let someone I care about, someone that's mine feel threatened. And so you know, the people that are mine are anyone that came off of the psychotic time traveling train. So like, at least, half of the population here.

Yes, the people that are mine includes you Cutler.

I'm officially installing feline regime here, because believe it or not cat's have a special way of marking people, no it's not weeing on them either, that the scent never goes away, no matter how much smelly bath wash you use. So, when in doubt, best leave them the fuck alone.

Now I'm not going to threaten with you becoming kitty chow. No, that would put me down on your level. What I will threaten you with is the Oubliette. For those who don't know what an Oubliette is, it is a place were you put things or people to forget them. And whoever made this one really liked Labyrinth. I'm not an utter bitch though. I will give you enough food to last you a week as long as you ration it. And I might drop more in every week.

My advice on what you do when you're feeling extra psychotic? Go out in the woods and kill something that can be eat. Bring it to my restaurant and I'll cook it up. I'm a redneck woman, I can cook anything that has legs. AND make it taste good.

If you have any question on whether or not I can stand by what I'm saying: Google Cougars, Pumas, Catamounts, Mountain Lions, whatever you want to call them it's all the same. I mutate into one. A big one. I've been measured from the tip of my nose to the base of my tail and reach just a little over nine feet long. And my tail's just a little over a third of my body length. I weigh well over 300 pounds. It's all muscle and fur. I will drag your ass in there, if I have to. And I'd be able to get back out.

And as Amelia so kindly announced, I'm a pregnant one. And nothing's more fierce than a Momma Mountain Lion protecting what's hers.

So Shape up and Fly right. Or fucking build a boat and get the fuck off this island.

And to those other Moms to be: What the fuck is wrong with ya'll? You've got an innocent child growing in your womb. It didn't ask to be put there, but it's there. Quit treating it like it's some fucking parasite out to ruin your life. Grow the fuck up. Man up. Whatever you want to call it. Your life isn't just yours anymore. Quit with the partying slutting around bullshit. Because you aren't the only one that pays for it in the morning. That kid doesn't deserve to be born an addict, or with other complications because you're a fucktard. If you don't want it maybe you shouldn't be having sex. Or, you know, learn how to use a fucking condom.

There... My rant is done.

[info]history_maker in [info]compass_network


[info]brainiac in [info]compass_network

Filtered from Crane

What the fuck is Crane's deal? Does he think he's so amazing and threatening just because he's a sodding serial killer?

[info]night_song in [info]compass_network

Filtered from Crane, Kristina Snow and Enigma

Yes, I killed a man who was already dying, but I did kill him. My emotions ran away from me. Apparently, I'm also a bit stronger than I thought I was.

And I'm sorry about it. I shouldn't have.

But really, you have nothing to fear from me.