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August 30th, 2012

[info]history_maker in [info]compass_network

Blog Post (posted post-paper but pre-crash.)

Nick Cutler - Blog Post #004 (Public)

Neverland. It's been a while. We have some catching up to do. The Storm of the Century is finally over and I don't think any children were sacrificed, so that's a plus...I guess. Mitchell did then turn into a human H-bomb and take out a wall though. Weather, explosions. What's next? Monsters. Seriously though, that's some intense power you've got there not-Mitchell. I know I'm not one to talk, being undead and all, but how does that even work? Can you take other people out with that? Wonder what other surprises the storm blew in.

I do have to agree with Mitchell though, as much as it pains me to do so. It's like a prop department out there and we're still none the wiser. Although we do know not to attack Isengard with a crowbar. But I think most of us made that assumption in the first place. But if you've bothered to look around outside, you might have noticed some familiar things...

cut for picture )

Speaking of familiar, I had a bit of a run-in with a rodent of unusual size yesterday. Now, as far as I'm aware, there's no fire swamp in the city. Though I suppose that could be Neverland's standard sized rat. I think the rotting food might be attracting them - I don't suppose any of the magical types would be good for incinerating it? Or magically relocating it. Given the whole magic thing. I'm sure anyone terrified of rather large rodents would be most thankful.

Today's news. I don't suppose the girl with two personalities has developed a third who fancies herself an amateur author and managed to stumble upon a printing press? I bet that's how Twilight got published, actually. But Amelia. I'm probably being a little optimistic in asking, but I don't suppose that name means anything to anyone? Likes reading, apparently. Not that you'd know it. I doubt she's going to tell us anything though.

[Tags: as you wish, lois lane, tunguska man]

[info]pure_tigress in [info]compass_network

I have some basic medical training if there's anyone who needs it.

[info]lucky_man in [info]compass_network

What are we going to do about all the bodies? I don't know about you, but I'm definitely not leaving my friends out there.

[info]were_allmadhere in [info]compass_network

Huh...well this isn't Wonderland or England...anyone care to tell a kitten where we are?

[info]_enigma in [info]compass_network

Email to Bruce

[after this]

...I'm sorry.

[info]kristina_snow in [info]compass_network

Failed! Text Message

Enigma, I am fucking pregnant.. Why did you do this to me?

I need your help..

Fuck, fuck, fuck..

Mitchell.. Thanks for not letting me jump..

Damn it..