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February 2018


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Posts Tagged: 'eddie+castile'

Feb. 15th, 2018



Everyone minus Jill

My sister, Jill, is stuck in this bitch of a place and she turns 16 next Saturday. I am throwing her one of those sweet sixteen parties and I would like if everyone would attend, even if you don't know her. Food and drinks and cake will be provided, only the best of course. I am also looking for those who could work the party, as bartenders and wait staff. You will be paid handsomely, as would a form of entertainment. I will also pay for all of the decorations and your hard work in setting up this party will be compensated.

Please let me know if you're interested in working the party at all. Also, please RSVP. I promise, you will not regret attending.

Feb. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

Happy Birthday to me. I guess

As much as a girl loves an all expenses paid trip to LA, this is a little much. Why the hell are angels snatching people? I have things to do. Important things.

Lissa? Why can I feel you?

Jan. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

I guess I got my first taste of it here. Wasn't that bad.

How are you doing?

So things seem to be going back to normal.

Jan. 7th, 2018



Jill, Eddie & Mason

And Sage is without a soul. I'm going to pay the little mad chemist a visit.

Dec. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

You know, when I agreed to do this whole working as a personal trainer thing, I figured maybe I'd get to at least train people to fight. Not listen to overly privileged people whine that they ate too much over Christmas.

I'd get fired if I stabbed them, wouldn't I.

Dec. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

... I'm alive?



[No Subject]

Rose is gone.

Dec. 17th, 2017



Rose, Jill, Eddie

Is Jill... are she and I going to be in danger?

There's someone called a Slayer killing vampires even if they're not hurting anyone. They killed vampires who were feeding on WILLING people.

Nov. 22nd, 2017



Rose, Adrian, Eddie, Jill

It seems very cruel and selfish for me not to help those that are very badly injured when they return from what is happening to them.

Nov. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

private to Steve
I'm sorry I got sick on your shoes. I'm never drinking that much again.

private to Jill
So I thought we could maybe have a game night tomorrow night. Would that be something you'd be interested in?

private to Eddie
I'm worried about Jill.

Nov. 3rd, 2017



network post: rose hathaway

Want to tell me what the fuck is going on? Is Jill really Lissa's sister?



[No Subject]

I don't understand this. No angels I ever learned about or prayed to ever kidnapped people.

Nov. 2nd, 2017




Hey there. Would you be interested in maybe getting together and trading knowledge or sparring or something? I've been slacking and things are just really weird with my friends right now.



[No Subject]

If you fuckers know what's good for you, you'll send me back to Lissa right now.