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February 2018


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Posts Tagged: 'carlos+de+vil'

Feb. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

If you want someone to fight in a war for you I don't think snagging them in the middle of the night is the way to go.

...More importantly, where the hell is my lamp?

Feb. 18th, 2018



AKs + VKs - Harry

We have a problem.

Something obviously happened to Harry, and I need to figure out what the hell that was so we can fix it.



[No Subject]

I don't get this place.

[Uma + Evie]
...the school wants me to see the school counselor. My essay on why governments are coldhearted and don't care about people has gotten me in a bit of hot water.

They are concerned.

[Mal + Jay] ever have nightmares of back home?

Feb. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]


Anyone seen Hadie? We were supposed to hang out, not like him to not show up.



[No Subject]

A couple of things. Firstly, while I may find this whole Valentines Day thing to be sentimental crap, I have to say that I could eat some of these chocolates forever, and the cupcakes are amazing.

Secondly, seen a couple of vaguely ominous looking comments about challenges and the like, anyone want to fill a girl in on what the hell is going on?

Feb. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

Well this month isn't going to be any better than last month.

Shannon reached out to me.

Rotten Four & Ben
My girlfriend reached out to me. I've been practicing magic to prepare for this but I'm not ready to face her. Does anyone want to help me practice some magic?

Feb. 5th, 2018



[No Subject]

No offense but I would take ten classes at Auradon in exchange for not having to take Calculus.

And I think I might need some help with US History given's not my history.

Are you any good at math? At school in general?

Maybe I'm not really cut out for this high school thing.

Feb. 2nd, 2018


[No Subject]

Alright so, this isn't Boreadon, but it also ain't the Isle. Guess the angels could have dumped me off in worse places.

Jan. 28th, 2018



[No Subject]

Is it wrong that I ate a whole big bag of the V-day candy hearts???

Jan. 20th, 2018



[No Subject]

That was...impressive.

[Rotten Four + Ben]
It wasn't me. I mean I didn't do anything to the barrier, I haven't even finished my device yet.

Is everyone okay?

I went to the barrier edge. It's not gone...we are still trapped here.

Jan. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Filtered to people from the Isle and from Auradon]

Okay, so I have been doing a LOT of thinking. And I know that there's a lot of stuff going on that I don't know about yet and this place is very different, and I get that. And I also know that no matter how much I might want you all to be, you're not all going to be friends with each other because there's been a lot of mistakes and hurt feelings and bad stuff between everyone. I KNOW all of that.

But I also know that you all mean a lot to me in different ways. And as I said to Mal, I am not the last tube of mascara between my mother and my aunt. If it means that much to people, I will live in a different place entirely and visit everyone. Or spend a different night each week with different people. Because my choice is that I am not going to choose. Mal, the crew protected me when they had nothing to gain from doing so. And Harry, Uma? Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay inspired me to be braver and keep on dreaming.

And here's the last thing I know. Harry said there were monsters here but I shouldn't be scared because you'd all be here to protect me. And I'm not scared because I know that's true and because I'm a child of the Isle and we don't get scared. But I am also starting to see that this place has a lot to be afraid of. Something was dangerous enough to nearly kill Harriet and I didn't even think she could bleed. So I say that sticking together even if we're not all friends with each other is the best thing we can do.

Oh! And one more last last thing I know! Gummy bears are delicious! And so are peanut butter cups!

Jan. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

I need coffee.

[Filtered to LRC (inc. CJ)]

I'm awake. Obviously. And home, Harry smuggled me out of the hospital. Now under strict orders to not do anything stupid or dangerous for a few days until his blood is out of my system.

I'm sorry

What did I miss during my nap?

Jan. 15th, 2018



[No Subject]

I'm so glad that whatever that was is all over now.

Mal, Evie, Carlos and Ben

I have a problem. My girlfriend recently became a vampire. I want to go after her but her friends are advising me against it. They say she's dangerous. I don't know if she's so dangerous she'll come after me and try to hurt me, but I need you guys to be on the lookout. She might try to come after you to get to me.



[No Subject]

This isn't Auradon.

Is it?

Jan. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]


Any luck finding Evie's demon?

[Lost Revenge Crew]

...How are you guys?

Jan. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

I made the mistake of going near Evie in the state she's in. Don't make my mistake.

Added Later:

And if you do make my mistake, don't approach her alone.

Jan. 8th, 2018



[No Subject]

[Filtered to the souled members of LRC]

I am so sorry, I can't even begin to

Where's Harry?

Jan. 6th, 2018



Uma & Carlos (They The Only LRC With Souls?)

Dizzy is gone. All of her stuff disappeared from Uma's and when I ran to our apartment to see if she went to do something crazy like look for the Princess, her door was wide open and every trace of her was gone.

I haven't seen CJ, either.

Dec. 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

What's the big deal about a new year?

More Boradon people are showing up. Joy.

Dec. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

You know, when I agreed to do this whole working as a personal trainer thing, I figured maybe I'd get to at least train people to fight. Not listen to overly privileged people whine that they ate too much over Christmas.

I'd get fired if I stabbed them, wouldn't I.