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February 2018


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Posts Tagged: 'dominique'

Jan. 17th, 2018



[No Subject]

Mel + Dom
Were either of you in my room?


I miss you.

Dec. 17th, 2017



Slayers (minus Buffy)

I'm sure you've all seen the ripples in the water by now. As of right now none of you are to be out alone.

None of you, got it Melaka?

There are bright red targets painted all over you all right now and I'll be damned if I lose one of you because someone needs to establish her balls are bigger than someone else's.

Patrols should be dialed down a notch till things simmer down. If you're going get in touch with me or Faith so you have someone watching your back.

Dec. 14th, 2017




How is your research coming along?

Dec. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

I don't know about anyone else, but I had an amazing night. This place might not be so bad after all.


Come patrolling with me tonight?

Dec. 4th, 2017




You said if I need help, I could ask you and your slayer friends.

I need help.

Dec. 1st, 2017



[No Subject]

And this is the worst possible thing that could have happened. Angels? Really?

Michael? Claire? Eve? What the fuck just happened?

Nov. 30th, 2017



Melaka, Dominique, & Molly

House party? y/y?

Nov. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

No entiendo. Buffy? Xander? Where am I?