network comm

February 2018


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November 7th, 2017



Harry & Uma

Is Gil with you?



[No Subject]

I've noticed a lot of people have gone missing. My best friends made it to that list. Do we have any idea what happened to them?



[No Subject]

Your search parties are futile. The angels are taking people in their sleep and returning them the same way. But they're not here.

If you're wondering if you'll see them again, ask yourself this question: can this person manage to not die while navigating a scene out of a Saw movie? If the answer is yes, you'll probably see them again. If the answer is no, you probably won't.

Glad I could help.



[No Subject]

Waking up to literally everyone I care about missing. And apparently it's all just another game the Angels are playing? Do they want me to burn the city down? Everyone should prepare for the storm outside that I can't control, thank you emotions. It won't be stopping anytime soon.

Harry can probably handle himself, but gil?



[No Subject]

I'm back. I'm fine. Nobody needs to worry.



Jeremy Gilbert

You're fired.



[No Subject]

So there's a lot of panicking about all these disappearances. Which is odd, considering that's what this place does. Isn't it.

But. I might be inclined to help. For the right price.



[No Subject]

Back and in surprisingly one piece.

That shit gave a whole new meaning to house of horrors.


I can explain.



[No Subject]

It's bizarrely normal in this abnormal place to find I have a job pretty close to what I did at home.




Dude, really?

Looks like you'll be doing my laundry from now on.



network post: lydia martin

Are you okay?



Cora & Derek

Cora, please tell me that didn't happen.




Well, your dad fired me.




You can't just fire Jeremy.



/Filtered to Angel/

Theoretically, if Darla were to show up, would that change what we talked about?



[No Subject]

Should I be delighted by the fact someone is spilling some secrets in town?


I'm assuming my son already spoke to you so there's no need for me to threaten you as well. Just be careful around my granddaughter.



[No Subject]

Where the hell is my husband?!?



network post: betty cooper

Cheryl and I are back. In case anyone was wondering.

I don't want to spend another minute without you.



[No Subject]

What the...



Tags: ,



[No Subject]

...well, congratulations, world. You're finally crazier than good-old-Riverdale.