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November 4th, 2017



Voice Post

Hello? Am I doing this right? I've never seen a phone like this before.



[No Subject]

I'm out of gummy bears.

Is this what the future is like? Do we all fight like this all the time?

I feel so lost, Monty. I'm sorry I leave you. I can't ever make it up to you and I don't even remember doing it.



November 4 | Catty


Oh my god...they are going to kill me."

Serena? Vanessa? Are you here?

Please be here.



November 4 | Dizzy Tremaine

Are you kidding me? I finally get to go to Auradon and I don't get to go?

I'm wherever this is?




[No Subject]

I don't understand. How did I get brought here? I'm not a fighter.





[No Subject]

Kidnapped again.

I really wish that I could say I was surprised.



[No Subject]

I guess it makes sense I miss home more now that Thanksgiving is approaching. The college is going on break for the week of Thanksgiving and I am oddly not excited. I think my professors thought I was joking when I requested schoolwork for the break.

Guess I need to go to the library and get more books.

I'm sorry about Halloween. Lots of people seemed to have turned into their costumes, but I am sure no one else freaked out when they couldn't find their cat Jiji.

Are you still not talking to me?



[No Subject]

I had a great time at the party. I guess I'm sorry if I knocked you out, but at least I didn't kill anyone?

I want you to help me. The Halloween party made me realize just how much I don't know about what I am. This isn't just lurkers anymore, there are clearly tons of shit going on.



[No Subject]

Halloween is still stupid but 50% off of candy definitely isn't. Have you ever deep fried a Snickers? Delicious.


So are you just going to ignore me forever or what?



network post: max mayfield

Okay, I think I got it now.

This is Max...Max Mayfield. I need to get back to Hawkins, Indiana. Who can help me with that?

And...what's with the year here? That's not right.



[No Subject]

...I think I hate a date.
I'm not sure. Omg. What have I done? He doesn't know and what if I lose control-


Okay. This is probably weird, but I don't have many friends and I need advice.

How are things going for you?

This is probably weird timing. I know a lot of stuff is going on, but is it weird to wear a dress for something that may or may not be a date?



[No Subject]

Angels? Well, now I've heard everything.



[No Subject]

Great. What happened now?



[No Subject]

Yeah, this isn't sketchy or anything.



[No Subject]

Kaleb? Are you here? What did I do?



[No Subject]

What the fuck?



[No Subject]

Oh, to be touched by an angel.

Quick, someone find me a bar to celebrate and I'll be happy to pick up your tab.