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November 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

There are not enough curse words in any language to sum up how I feel about all of this.

Angels? Battles?

I have enough shit back home that I have to get back to.

Making me vanish on the guys, that was the wrong thing to do.



Hanna & Emily

I met with Charlotte.




I'm so sorry about what happened at the party.




Are you still interested in practicing some magic? I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to hang out last month. I had an emergency that came up, requiring my attention but things are calmer now.



[No Subject]

I'm glad I didn't attend that Halloween party earlier this week. It sounds like some of you had a terrible time, so I didn't miss anything.



[No Subject]

You will not keep me prisoner!



[No Subject]

I suppose I should ask which one of you would like to die by my hand first. It's been quite the week and my temper has been vile as of late.



[No Subject]

private to Ronnie
You know the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt you.

private to Jug
I wanted to kill Ronnie. Like - kill her.

private to Alec
When are you free, man?



[No Subject]

I'm guessing not all Halloweens are like that?

The feck, mate? I am beyond glad I dinnae dress up. You alright? What is with your girl Clary?



[No Subject]

So I have a job... that's pretty neat since it's me getting paid for doing something that I both like and am good at.

I will also be going to their high school.

I'm not so sure how I feel about that since I was kidnapped to fight for angels.



[No Subject]

Job, check.

Attending school, check.

Being happy to be fighting a fight I don't know anything about and didn't have a choice in? Yeah, that box is still blank.



[No Subject]

If you fuckers know what's good for you, you'll send me back to Lissa right now.



[No Subject]

Well, this place sucks. It's better than the Isle, but still.



[No Subject]


I know we've had our issues, but Mal talked to me a few days ago about you teaching me to fight. You're really willing to?



[No Subject]


Changed my mind. Get Jay to help your stupid King.

Can I fix us at all?




Hey there. Would you be interested in maybe getting together and trading knowledge or sparring or something? I've been slacking and things are just really weird with my friends right now.




Hey, you.



[No Subject]

No one recorded what happened at the Halloween party, right?