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October 19th, 2017



October 19 | CJ Hook

Horror is a popular thing here it seems. I'm bored. Anyone up for checking out Dark Harbor?



October 19 | Kenzi Malikov

If I never see another clown in my life it will be too soon. Seriously. Some of the masks they've got are extremely creepy.

In other news, Halloween is playing in theaters here. I think I've got to check it out this weekend.

[Tam-Tam and Dagny]
We should all have dinner.




Game on.



Enzo | Liv Parker

What is going on? There's a way to take Kai out but they don't want to take it? I have half a mind to just take it myself.



[No Subject]

When it rains, it mother fucking pours.

How are you holding up?

I told Scott.




We've got a problem, love.

Liv is talking about teaming up with Katherine. I am trying to discourage her, but she wants Kai gone.



[No Subject]

Private to Lydia

I saw. Are you okay?

Private to Scott

We have so many problems.

Private to Jeremy


Private to Stiles

Everything going okay?



[No Subject]

...hello? Is this my punishment?



Katherine Pierce

I heard you have a plan to take out Kai.



//locked from fellow shadowhunters and anyone else from their verse//

Where is the best place to get the most drunk?

Asking for a friend.



[No Subject]

private to Alec
I talked to Clary.

private to Izzy
I talked to Clary. I don't know if you've spoken to her, but - will you check on her? Make sure she's