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October 9th, 2017



reid + tyler

Neither of you are to leave the apartment. Neither of you are to use magic until I take care of things. Do you both understand me?



[No Subject]

This was a surprise.

private to Caleb
What's even more surprising is that you're here. I've known for days. Which makes me wonder if you had any idea that I was here. Watching you and waiting. Yeah - I didn't think so.

Which leads into my next question. I wonder where Pogue is?



[No Subject]

Well, fuck.

Kai and I are on a bit of break.
He wants to kill me, figured I should probably give you a head's up.

We may need to take a break from my lessons. Might have angered Kai and need to keep low to the ground for a wee bit.



[No Subject]


Some fucked up shit happened, brother.



[No Subject]

Private to Bonnie

Do you know any of the other witches in town?

Private to Stefan

What is Katherine thinking?



[No Subject]

I don't get it. How do you kidnap someone if they're already in LA?

Did something happen?



[No Subject]

Okay, wow! So, alternate universe, huh? That's a fun one.

Um, Buffy? Xander? Dawn? ...Anyone?



[No Subject]

Survival. It's the only way we're all getting out of this. That's life. I don't understand the need for kidnapping but lessons have been taught in heavier handed ways.



[No Subject]

Someone is playing a prank on me, right?

Emma? Brooke?

Please tell me this is a joke. Please tell me Noah is in on this and that he planted all the evidence I encountered from the cash to the creepy text.




Are you busy?