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October 5th, 2017



network post: betty cooper

I need to clear the air and say a few things here, because I have not been myself in some time. I'm letting this place change and break me. I've been so scared and so messed up since I got here, especially after the death matches. It's not an excuse. I'm done with excuses.

My friends tried to help me and all I did was push them away and wallow in my own bullshit. But no more. I can't live this way. No one should. This place is not going to break me.

It'll be a long road. I know I will need help getting there and I accept that. I'm not okay, but I won't be okay again unless I stop making excuses and do something about it. These are only words, and they don't mean much. So I'll have to work hard and prove it, and I will.

I know people are going to have negative things to say in reply to this, and that's fine. I'm done caring about what everyone thinks about me or letting it affect me the way I have been.

This is not me.

I don't even recognize myself right now, and that's terrifying.

I need to remember who I am, and that's Elizabeth freaking Cooper and it's time I start acting like it.



[No Subject]

Donuts are an every meal item now.

Wanna met at the scrap yard tonight?



[No Subject]

I can't be here. I need to get back to the Blackthorns right now.