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September 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

I swear I wasn't speaking Latin over the ancient texts. I totally learned my lesson last time!

Oh, crap.



[No Subject]

I just wanted to be with JJ. But you couldn't let me have that. You sent them to save me and I thought maybe there was a reason for that. But this? This can't be the reason.

I don't even believe in this crap so just...let me go or let me die.




Your pack is falling apart. We need to do something about that.



[No Subject]

You know, if you want to drag a girl out of retirement and make her play your weird little reindeer games, all you have to do is ask. Maybe throw in a little "please"? I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It's not like anyone ever asks before throwing a whole new destiny my way. Still, it'd be nice of someone would just ask me first. Consent and whatnot.

Anyway, who's in charge here? Do we have a plan yet?



[No Subject]

private to Allison
Hey, are you busy tonight?

private to Stiles
I talked to Laura.



Ronnie, Jughead and Betty

ooc: sent after archie sent a picture of him and Harry to Ronnie and Betty.

You guys, you can't just treat Harry this way. All he wanted to do was be Betty's friend. Ronnie, how could you get a vampire to try and kill him? What are you even doing?