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August 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

private to Stiles
Hey loser. Are you busy?

private to Erica
I know what happened. Glad you're back. Who else am I supposed to manipulate stupid boys with?




I don't blame you.



[No Subject]

Really? All that what? We're just back? it just me?




Hey, man. How are you holding up?

Also, don't freak out, but Faye is crashing here for a bit.



[No Subject]

I don't think I slept at all last night. Too many nightmares Where's the best place to over-caffeinate myself around here?



voice post

Any o' you lot handy with spellcraft, and want to get the hell out of here? Got an idea I want to try...



[No Subject]

Private to Dad

I want to go back to France.

Private to Scott

I remember everything.

Private to Lydia and Stiles

Are you guys okay?



[No Subject]

I'm going for a run. I need to get back to some sense of normalcy.



[No Subject]

Well, that was an interesting day. And the Pie Hole does indeed have good pie and coffee. Juggy would like it

How are you feeling now?

Can we talk?



Riverdale Crew

When Betty told me how she gave her life for the man she loved, my heart was stirred. But then I went back and read the various messages you all have written since arriving. Facing monstrous enemies with no hope of survival, laughing in the face of oblivion. You are all, in your own ways, Heroes. And as the God of Heroes, would protect you all.

Know this, friends. Even now some of you are harassed by vampire scum. But know this- I am the most powerful warrior here, and if I must bring skyscrapers down on the head of these monsters I shall. You obviously recquire training in combat, in which I offer to teach. I am an expert in all forms of battle. I also possess a number of magic weapons, which can strike down demon or vampire. And I am willing to distribute them to those who are worthy. Accept my patronage, and I shall protect you friends. Reject it... and uhh... I'll protect you anyways, as it Is what is right...