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August 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Fuck you, assholes! If I wanted to beat up a ten year old I'd shake down some Gothamites for their lunch money.

Go fuck yourselves, you pricks.



[No Subject]

What is this, the Hunger Games? There is no way I'm going to fight my boyfriend. Sorry, not happening.




We need to talk.



[No Subject]

This can't be real.



[No Subject]

They're separating the weak from the strong. It's what every army does.

We shouldn't be surprised at this point. They did kidnap us.



[No Subject]

Am I the only one thinking that we were supposedly brought here to fight in some war from them and now they want to kill off half of their "army," this doesn't make any sense?

I am not killing anyone. I help people. So Damon, if you want me come get me. I'm not fighting.



[No Subject]

Even if I could fight, I wouldn't. Killing innocent people? If we can do something like that... It's obviously what these people want. I don't think they're angels at all. They're monsters. And I know monsters, you don't give them what they want.



posted as Supergirl

I don't kill people. That's not what heroes do.



[No Subject]

So some assholes are going to make a teenaged kid beat up a blind guy?



Veronica Mars

What do you know about self-defense?



Scott & Lydia

What will we do?

Lydia, you're not fighting Erica alone.



[No Subject]

I'm too pretty to die. Just throwing that out there.

You aren't going to die.



posted as Supergirl

No one is killing anyone and I will stop anyone who tries.



voice post

"This is madness! And before anyone says it, I've been to Sparta alright? And it wasn't this b... actually 'twas totally worse than this."

"If you sought fair athletic contest  I would be game- but  this?I am not my brother Ares, and I shall not kill an innocent on the whims of base villains!!! RAAAH!!!" 

***smashing sounds follow, and the building shakes slightly as it would if a train were passing nearby***



[No Subject]

Who knew angels could be blood thirsty.

Beacon Hills
I'm going to prepare. If any of you need help please reach out. Depending who your opponent is we can make it quick and painless for them if you use a gun.




So, hi. I'm Waverly. I guess we're death match… buddies? God, that's so messed up.

Anyway, I'm hoping you're not really in a killing mood? Because I'm totally not. Like, ever.



[No Subject]

Well, this seems fun. I don't see what all the crying is about.



[No Subject]

So, I get dragged to LA and I have to fight someone?

What is all this? Is this Uber A?



[No Subject]

...what is actually going on? I was just in Texas and Michae-

Shane? Eve? Michael? I've finally gone insane. That has to be it. There is no way I am suddenly not in Texas.



[No Subject]

I don't like being backed into a corner like this. I don't intend on hurting anyone unless they intend on hurting me then I will have to defend myself. I think that's pretty straight forward.

Diana and Faye

What the hell are you two going to do? Aside from probably avoiding each other or figuring out a way to stop this madness?



[No Subject]

Here's a thought- you want to test me? How about I fight you to the death, Gabriel?

Others have said it, but I'm not killing who they tell me to. And if you don't want to fight but your opponent does, I'll do everything I can to help keep you alive.



August 15 | Kol Mikaelson

Interesting game, Gabriel.

Does anyone have any information on a Claire D.?