
Posts Tagged: 'lorelai+gilmore'

Nov. 11th, 2012



Today, two families, two lives, two paths converge into one...

Who: Frodo, Merrill, Merry, Hawke, Bethany, Obi-Wan, Varric, Gandalf, Barbara, Lorelai, Castiel...
What: Frodo and Merrill get married!! Obi reveals the sex of the baby. Gandalf departs.
When: Saturday Afternoon
Where: Dragonfly Inn
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Kiss, You Fools! )

Nov. 2nd, 2012




Who: Luke Danes & Lorelai Gilmore
What: Lorelai comes in to bother Luke.... well, according to Luke that is what is happening.
When: Friday
Where: Luke's Diner, Tustin
Rating: PG-13
Status: In progress

Read more... )

Sep. 15th, 2012



Who: Lorelai Gilmore and Merry Brandybuck (and NPC!Rory Gilmore)
What: Merry is crashing Movie Night at the Gilmores
When: Thursday night.
Where: Dragonfly Inn, moving to the Gilmore Residence
Ratings: PG. It's pretty tame
Status: Complete

I hope you can fake a Timbuktu accent )

Sep. 8th, 2012



Who: Lorelai Gilmore and Luke Danes
What: Late night coffee
When: Friday, after the gala
Where: Luke's Diner
Ratings/Warnings: Rated Green for Jealousy!
Status: In Progress

Working on the night cheese )

Aug. 20th, 2012



Who: Lorelai Gilmore and Merry Brandybuck
What: Spying and hijinks
When: During Frodo and Merrill’s date
Where: The Dragonfly kitchen
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Meanwhile... )

Aug. 11th, 2012




Who: Frodo Baggins and Merrill (and Lorelai and Merry)
What: Romantic Getaway
When: Thursday
Where: The Dragonfly Inn in Tustin
Rating: Rated R for Frodo's first sexytimes!
Status: Complete


Aug. 9th, 2012



Who: Lorelai Gilmore and Gabriel Gray
What: Random meeting
Where: Luke's Diner
When: Thursday
Rating: TBD, but probably low.
Status: In progress

The table near the door didn't -technically- have Lorelai's name on it.. )