
Posts Tagged: 'eothain'

Jun. 8th, 2014




Who: Laura, Eothain.
What: Angsty talk sandwiched in sex and drugs.
When: 5/30-5/31.
Where: Eothain's place.
Rating/Warnings: R, TW: Drug Abuse, Blood, Vampirism, Discussions about violence.
Status: Complete!

I hear people like to roleplay in bed sometimes. I could be a bar wench for you. )

May. 20th, 2014





Who: Eomer, Eothain, Lothiriel
What: A fancy dinner date gets crashed by someone's drug-addled jerk roommate.
When: Recently!
Where: The Hobbit restaurant.
Rating: Low to Medium (for Eothain’s mouth).
Status: Complete!

How many forks does a man NEED? )

May. 5th, 2014



You're too damn cutesy to be making anyone terrified of you

Who: Serah and Eothain
What: Random hookups and guitar hero
When: 5/1 or 5/2
Where: Eomer and Eothain's apt
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 for language and drug use (aka Serah's rebellious crises continues)

That’s what makes me so dangerous, you’d never suspect! )

Apr. 19th, 2014



What do you get when you eat too many hash browns?

Who: Eothain and Ellie
What: Herbal remedies
When: Last week
Where: Eomer's place
Rating: PG-13 for language and bad puns
Triggers: Drug warnings, I guess?

Pot belly )

Apr. 13th, 2014





Who: Eothain, Laura Kinney
What: Trigger Warning, ahoy! Fair warning - contains cutting, blood, drug usage, cursing up a storm, midget hate (wth, Eothain), and FTB sexy times. Casual stuff is kept casual...and totally crime-scene messy.
When: After this convo on the valar net.
Rating: High. Better safe, than sorry.
Status: Complete!

I'll try not to kill you. )

Apr. 2nd, 2014




Who: Eomer, Eothain
What: Meeting on a street corner, eating.
When: Recently, after Eothain's first post.
Where: A street corner, then a diner.
Rating/Warnings: Uhm. Rating: HIGH for language, mentions of drug use and other triggery things, and Eothain being Eothain. You have been warned.
Status: Complete!

Speaking of that health bullshit, you hungry? Did you eat yet? Did you pay for ME to eat yet? )

Mar. 27th, 2014





Who: Eothain, on random street corners. FMrpL.
What: This would be the ongoing trainwreck that resulted from this a-hole's 'herbal remedy' post. It was way too much to break into separate docs logs. :3
When: *handwaves* Probably over the course of a couple of days.
Rating: High, considering his language, attitude, and what he's selling. For those who are easily offended, please steer clear.
Status: TBD

I will fill your prescription with some degree of accuracy. )

Oct. 27th, 2012



Brokeback Time?

Who: Eomer, Eothain, a bunch of children who probably shouldn't be supervised by those two. WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?
What: Halloween Weekend Trick or Treat Trail and Hayride.
When: Saturday Night
Where: Nellie Gale Equestrian Center and trails.
Rating: God only knows.

Mean Girls Was Happening Before His Very Eyes  )

Sep. 16th, 2012




Who: Eomer, Eothain
What: Mexico gone wrong. It's not even wild, it's just wrong. And there's crookedness involved. Yep. This speshul brand of crackliciousness leads into a phone call.
When: Todayish
Where: They made a run for the border, and it wasn't for gorditas or seven layer burritos.
Rating: PG13 for language and...a rooster. Chicken? Poultry.
Status: Complete!


Sep. 13th, 2012




Who: Eomer and Eothain
What: In this episode, Eomer and Eothain have a early morning bro moment before Eomer goes to his JOB (hint hint Eothain) and they make plans to go to Meh-ee-co. Cracktastical fun mentions of Family Guy chicken fights, candles, and who's the most like a horse. And other stuffs.
When: Uhh...earlier today-ish?
Where: Eomer's.
Rating: PG13 for language and dude, you put your weed in it. It = Eothain.
Status: Complete!

Man Candles. )