
Posts Tagged: 'bill+cipher'

May. 29th, 2020




Who: Ford and Bill
Where: NA
When: NA
What: Ford's journal, Bill's notes
Rating: PG
Status: Ongoing (updated with plots)
Notes: Sorry, I had to put in a link as I honestly have no idea how to format this on IJ.

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May. 27th, 2020




Who: Bill Cipher and Ford Pines
When: Way back during the de-aged plot, April 1st
Where: In their apartment
What: A video documentary!
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: Ongoing

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Apr. 3rd, 2020




Who: Ford Pines and Bill Cipher
What: Waking up to being KIDS AGAIN
When: April 1st, early morning
Where: In their bedroom at their apartment
Rating/Warnings: NONE except tinyness
Status: Ongoing
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Apr. 2nd, 2020




Who: Stanford Pines and Bill Cipher
What: An every day look into Bill and Ford. Grading papers, talking, flirting and dancing
When: March 1st, evening
Where: In their new Apartment in Orange County
Rating/Warnings: You never know with these two tbh, for the moment none.
Status: Ongoing
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Who: Stanford Pines and Bill Cipher
What: What starts out as Bill trying to wheedle Ford from his studies ends out in disaster of the drinking and making out kind.
When: Back in college years, ages 20, 1996
Where: At the crap shoot of a college the two go to
Rating/Warnings: Yeah, basically gets graphic and explicit here eventually.
Status: Ongoing
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Who: Bill Cipher and Stanford Pines
What: Aftermath of Stanley being kicked out of the Pines house
When: Age 17, 1993
Where: In their shared room at the house/pawn shop their family owns, New Jersey
Rating/Warnings: None, except sadness
Status: Ongoing
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Who: Stanford Pines and Bill Cipher
What: Panicking over crushing on his best friend in his dream diary journal
When: Maybe age 13, 1989
Where: On the beach in New Jersey
Rating/Warnings: None at all
Status: Ongoing
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Who: Bill Cipher and Stanford Pines
What: Running from angry shopkeepers
When: At ages maybe 7 or 8, maybe 1984
Where: New Jersey
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: Ongoing
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Alright, so...preemptive apologies. Now that Bill Cipher's in game, we got a lot of backlogged threads about their past growing up to throw up here.

Who: Bill Cipher and Ford Pines
What: Childhood friends, making their way. Bill's been missing class, Ford goes to investigate.
When: Way back machine to when they were nine years old, 1985
Where: New Jersey
Rating/Warnings: Mentions of child abuse
Status: Ongoing
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