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Apr. 4th, 2018


Hey all you lovely people. I am on a mission and I might need your help considering how my luck is running so far.

So! If anyone happens to see this lovely Pokemon:

[ooc: pretend it's an actual photo of an Emolga sitting on Tony's workbench with Batman the cat looking unamused and slightly singed in the background]

TELL ME. I will give you any of whatever Pokemon I get to you plus other stuff when we get to a place where money actually means something again.

And speaking of Pokemon I have, if anyone wants a Yungoos, Crabrawler, or Pikipek, let me know. I'm going to hang on to them for the rest of the day, but tomorrow I'm going to set them free or give them to a center if they need any of them to open up some of my pokeballs.

Edit: Also a Drowzee is up for grabs now too.

Apr. 1st, 2018


Got any plans today?

So I know that the engineering contest kind of went to hell. We want to try and pick up where we left off?

I know I've been distant and I'm sorry about that. I know we're all going through the same thing, having to leave behind yet another world where we thought we could go grow old, leaving people we loved behind, so it's no excuse that I've been closing myself off from people. From you guys.

I know there's not a lot of us, so I want to make sure all of us stay safe and stick together. Even you, Barnes, though you're still a pain in my ass. So dinner or something, soon? We can figure out those trackers Aria and Ezekiel were talking about.


Netpost; Wally West


Dick's gone.

Mar. 21st, 2018


Calling all engineers. Especially you Tony Stark.

So, we've been on this boat for awhile. Away from our workshops, away from some of our bigger projects, and we all know the dangers of idle hands.

With that in mind, I'm putting together a little competition. A good old race. Winner gets bragging rights and a special, super secret prize that my dear friend Rhodey is setting up.

Now I'm sure you're wondering where the engineering comes into this race. Well, you won't be running the race yourself. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to build a contraption/vehicle/robot to go through the obstacle course that'll be set up in the Climbing Course area. Anyone who cants to participate can pick up your box of materials you'll have to use on Friday at 1:30pm. For the sake of level playing field and making this a real challenge, you can only use that box of materials in the creation of your 'racer'. You'll have the entire weekend to craft your masterpiece before we start the race process 4pm on Sunday. Good luck!

Mar. 20th, 2018


I know how to make an entrance, but usually I know a little about what's going on before I get there. Fashionably late.

Am I fashionably late at least?

Oh no, I'm not early, am I???

Mar. 18th, 2018


It's come to my attention that I haven't done a good job of meeting all the scientists around here. I mean, there's at least one I haven't talked to - one named Ray? - but I bet there are even more. Who wants to get together and talk science and tech sometime?? Bounce ideas off each other?? Figure out how some stuff around here works??

SHIRO & PIDGE (separately)
Did you guys have fun last night? The ball was pretty great, right?

You guys are really cute, just so you know.

TONY STARK (904913)
Even without being interrupted by aliens or robots, I had a really good time last night.


Thanks for the company last night. Drinking alone is never a good time.

So you want the "I'm not angry, just disappointed," lecture or the "What the hell were you thinking? Can you explain yourself?" one? I've been working on the "I'm getting real tired of your shit, Tony, I gotta go take a fly break." It's on revision 37.

You know anything about Tony getting sent to the brig?

[ ooc: Posted after Tony gets out of the brig tonight. ]

Mar. 13th, 2018


TONY STARK (904913)
So hey - do you have a date to the ball already?

Mar. 12th, 2018


There was a cat on my balcony this morning. To clarify, I was not that cat. To further clarify, it was a statue.

Do gifts appear at random often around here?

Mar. 4th, 2018


For my first question I'd just like to know how I can get a closer look at those robots.

Mar. 1st, 2018


(044) Anakin Solo

I'll give Violet this, she didn't over-state the pretty much amazing coolness of Middle Earth.

I also just want to give a head's up, if you see a astromech roaming around that you don't recognize, that's mine; his name is Fiver, and he's taking this whole Assassins game thing really seriously. Let me know if he gives anyone any trouble he shouldn't cause I don't think he's creative enough yet to think too terribly outside his programmin

[Filter: Jacen]
Are you feeling better lover boy?

[Filter: Bianca]
Happy birthday Bianca!

[Filter: Tony Stark (904913)]
I've got a non-urgent question for you.

Originally, I was thinking about going to university next year, but the whole being just pulled from school mid-year made me think, maybe that's not the best idea. Cause who knows if this is going to be a 'hey, you were at home learning stuff and everything is cool' sort of situation, or a 'surprise you've been gone for three months and probably the portal didn't have enough courtesy to drop you from classes before its too late for a refund so have fun with extra student loans and F's on your transcripts' sort of situation. And the whole unpredictability of it makes me wonder if there are better things to do.

I'm good with mechanics stuff, and a lot of the aerospace engineering stuff I wanted to go to school for isn't out of reach just by applying myself to reading and doing probably.

So I guess, I'm feeling out options - would you potentially have a job for me, full time, when I finish up high school?

Feb. 26th, 2018


For those of you with inquiring minds, the room service in the brig leaves much to be desired. Also, pack a toothbrush.

Feb. 21st, 2018


Another space portal. Let's not do that again.

Sentient nursebots, huh? I know what it looks like, but this one's not on me. Seriously, though. Someone has dramatically upped their LMD game. What are we talking, here? Thing 1 and Thing 2 are not particularly forthcoming. Programming could use some work.

So tell me, who else is on the guest list for this involuntary pleasure cruise? And is there scotch?

Feb. 17th, 2018


[Filter to Ray Palmer, Pidge Gunderson, Matt Holt, Amadeus Cho, Anakin Solo, Violet Parr, Rhodey, Cisco Ramon, and Leo Valdez]
So, who wants to play with some mithril? I know there was talk of mining, but my luck with shopping has been stellar and I got an entire shirt of it. I've got some ideas for parts of it, but there's still plenty to have some fun with for anyone interested.

Feb. 11th, 2018


netpost; ray palmer

I wonder if I'd be able to mine some Mithril?

Feb. 10th, 2018


So I need my suit to be looked over. Know someone that can help?

Jan. 27th, 2018


[ooc: done with permission :D]

So all medbay and no play makes Tony something something (that something being bored and happy for visitors). Which means I might be a little too nosey, so, anyways...

Paging everyone, does this look belong to some other universe that isn't the huge ass Marvelicious one:

[attached picture of Rhodey from across the medbay]

Asking for a friend. That friend being me.

Jan. 15th, 2018


Since we're talking about emergency plans, a message for the tech geeks. Dr Aphra and Ezekiel Jones are discussing a command centre to handle communications - both alerting everyone to emergencies and making sure no one gets cut off during an active situation. I'll also be there to keep track of the information we receive and assign tasks to mobile response units so we don't get some things being forgotten while too many people go somewhere else and I believe Charles will be with us as a telepath. If anyone has hardware or skills that would help, they're the two to talk to.

Personally speaking, I can work with a whiteboard or pencil and paper if I have to but coding an interactive map of the ship I can manipulate on a tablet would be more effective. I can do it myself but I know we have some coders around who might be able to do a better job.

Incidentally the Coffee Bar is actually ridiculously good. Let's not have aliens steal all our coffee this time.

Jan. 13th, 2018


So like... how long do these things typically last?

Jan. 9th, 2018


Heads up to any flying, swimming, or people with amazing eyesight or stuff. A few telepaths would come in handy too.

Anyone interested in a scouting party? I figure if we all kind of tag team up and keep each other in line of sight so we can check things farther out without worrying about losing the boat?

Percy Jackson ?
Wally West
JP B. Northstar
Teen Tony Tony Stark
Pidge G.

People who haven't responded but are here and should help anyway:
Bobby Drake

Jan. 3rd, 2018


netpost; dick grayson

New Year, new ink. No resolutions yet.

Hope everyone had a good night.

Dec. 26th, 2017


netpost; dick grayson

[Bats + Wally]
You guys... you won't believe what's shown up. I have Nightbird and Batwing. The suit, not the jet.

Terry, I can go flying with you now!

Thanks for the present. Was Santa good to you?

Dec. 14th, 2017


netpost; dick grayson

FYI: I'm exhausted.
Yes, I'm me.
No, I don't want to talk about it.

Dec. 10th, 2017


ATTN superheroes/anyone with a recognisable "look".

The hospital is taking sign ups for people to dress up and visit the kid's ward on the 23rd and 24th for Christmas. Claire organised this last year and absolutely nothing weird or implausible happened. It works best if you have a costume, uniform or distinctive outfit that's been seen in a tv show, movie or comic book that's pretty well-known. Books usually aren't visual enough and video games don't get as much advertising so fewer people see them. A good rule of thumb is probably "can I buy a Halloween costume of myself?" (That means you Steve Rogers I don't care if you're not Captain America anymore.)

Dec. 3rd, 2017


Hey, guys. Sue and I are organizing a toy drive. We've partnered with one of the local groups to do a holiday event for families in need. If you're interested in donating a gift, swing by Pier 4 to pick up a wishlist tag!

ETA: Sue has all the details here.


I am looking to borrow some equipment. The needs are pretty specific: cuff / restraints strong enough to hold the cybernetic arm of an approximately 6'2" 200 lb man. Any technology/material resistant to heat is a bonus but most likely unnecessary with proper placement. There is a slight risk of damage, but I'll replace/make up for that as best I can, in that case. I am also willing to do any sort of technology work in return for using it.

Before you ask, no it is not a sex thing.

Nov. 30th, 2017


With the Winter Ball as well as the holiday season coming up, well, 'tis the season, right?

Some of you knew Howard when he was here. He tended to be the party thrower and was very generous when it came to making sure his guests were well taken care of.

So, to honor his spirit, every one can expect a $150 gift card to be delivered to them soon. Whether you use it for clothes, decorations, presents, or just something you really need, it's up to you. There's no wrong way to spend it. Just consider it a way to get these holidays started off on the right foot.


Exactly what is this winter ball

Nov. 21st, 2017


Portal, why you gotta do me like that? I have my own company and you give me the freaking food truck.

If anyone's got a craving for spicy, my food truck's in the house. It'll be parked downtown from 10 am to 2 pm starting tomorrow. Cash only until I get accounts set up. Serving traditional Korean and KoMex fusion. Come get your bibimbap/kimchi/kimbap/hotteok on. Bulgogi tacos after the marinade's done.

Now, more importantly, who's got a lab I can commander and server space I can co-opt? There's a free taco in it for you.

Nov. 18th, 2017


Hey, so, do you have an idea of numbers for Friendsgiving? I don't want Jay to get flustered about his part of the cooking. Plus I might have to switch venues.

Are you free the Saturday after Thanksgiving?

I hope Damian isn't too much trouble when I'm not there to wrangle him. Do we need supplies for Thanksgiving?

Nov. 7th, 2017


Another reality again. The temporal & spatial displacement is interesting (absolutely theoretically possible, but different from last time). The tech mostly seems old school, well, not old for 2017, but a few things aren't what I knew 2017 to have. Like the network and some things I saw when I first arrived. Network being still around. And looking good.

Which... I know some people are here? But no Slav, still waiting for Slav. Or someone to go by Sven.


Wow, an alternate reality Earth! This is so cool! Hello, Earthlings!

Also, kudos on this network, by the way. This thing does not crack easy.


Nov. 3rd, 2017


I think maybe with potential gremlins running about that I might postpone my birthday party.

We should probably get as many people in on the effort to recover them, and I'm excellent at going unnoticed!

Oct. 31st, 2017


It's probably too late to rig something like this up for tonight, isn't it?

Oct. 28th, 2017


Who: The Bats and Friends
What: Dick is having a party! The original Boy Wonder has invited friends and family over for a Halloween celebration.
When: Saturday night
Where: Dick's apartment

The Wayne Halloween Gala )

Oct. 24th, 2017


Non-Costume Halloween party, Saturday night at my place. Lots of candy and ridiculously sweet cocktails. Invite friends! 19:30 onwards.

Hey neighbor! How are you doing?

I'm having a party on Saturday, sort of a Halloween shindig but not. No costumes, but lots of other good things. This is me inviting you, or just warning you about the noise. You decide!

Oct. 6th, 2017


netpost; dick grayson

I'm me again.

What the Hell? You okay? Also, I have your wallet.

[Tony Stark]
This is horrible, but while I was Catwoman, I broke into your townhouse. There's a few things here that I'd like to return to you.

I am so sorry. I would never do anything like that as myself.

Oct. 5th, 2017


The individuals at this facility are incompetent at best. How long does it take to run a blood screening? My property better be returned to me promptly.

Now, who on this inane network has useful information about the vortex phenomenon?

Oct. 2nd, 2017


[Tony Stark (the real one)]
Are you around? I might need some help with my lab now that Cap!Tony is here. Please don't be turned into something else.

[Stephen Strange]
I need some assistance. Can you create some type of magical lock or way to keep someone out of my lab?

Sep. 28th, 2017


Things took a weird turn.

Sep. 23rd, 2017


So I googled myself in a moment of boredom, and now I feel like Jessica Rabbit. "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way."

Sep. 21st, 2017


I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about majoring in Physics, and I feel like this is a good incentive. What do you think, Anakin?

Sep. 20th, 2017


[Filter to Sam Wilson and Bruce Banner]
Alright, cross-universe Tony Stark idiot check: how crazy am I for honestly considering setting up a small scale, lower key Avengers type thing here? Scale of one to ten. And go.

Sep. 19th, 2017


netpost; dick grayson

Handing out CVs is more time consuming than I remember. Has anyone else had a problem with the locals believing their prior experience? I don't know if it's the former acrobat, the ex-cop, or the EMT thing that's tough to swallow?

If anyone online could use me, send me a message.

Sep. 17th, 2017


Polling the masses: best middle of nowhere location to visit. Preferably where people won't be too upset about a bunch of rocks getting blown up.

And spawning off of that, anyone want to check up on Batman for a week?

[Stark Solutions Employees]
I know a few of you are on adjusted hours anyways thanks to school, but congratulations! You're getting the week off. Still paid, so don't worry about that. And if you need to use any of the supplies or machines in the lab, it'll still be open to you. Just don't go too crazy with the experiments.


There's gotta be a demon that feeds on broken hearts, right? I mean, there's demons that feed on babies and baby hearts and scared people. What about broken hearts? 'Cause I'm thinking about using mine to try and lure a demon out for stabbing.

Save me from Whitney Houston songs.

Sep. 13th, 2017


[Private to Avengers Mansion residents]
I've accepted Sam's offer to move into the mansion. I appreciate the chance to stay where I know some of the people there in this strange place. I've made some desserts to share as a thank you. There is Sadesh, Chocolate chip, peanut butter kisses cookies, and lemon bars in the communal kitchen area.

Sam said my a lab was in the basement so I'll be getting familiar with that. If anyone else is using it let me know so I won't disturb any of your experiments.

Now I need to find employment. Any suggestions?

[Private to Tony Stark]
Finally made it out of that place. I am going to stay in the Avengers mansion. Apparently, there's a lab there, so maybe we can trade tours of lab space to see if between the two we have all the equipment covered that a scientist could need?

I also made some desserts for everyone that I'm happy to share with you if you're interested.

Sep. 9th, 2017


Hello? Is this connected back to earth/midgard at all or only to others in the complex?

Sep. 1st, 2017


Kamala's gone too.

Aug. 31st, 2017


So. Labor Day! Day of labor! Day of laborers. And someone volunteered to take that shift anyway because sometimes, computers crap out or patients' can't get cable and then they want us to fix all the technical stuff right away.

Which means the tacos I meant to cook for the BBQ will have to be done later. :[

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