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Dec. 2nd, 2017


They tell me I'm on earth. The air doesn't appear to have any lead particulates.



Dash is gone.


[Friends of Rogue (1610), Bart Allen, and Myron Wagtail]
SAVE THE DATE: NYE PARTY 12/31 AT 10 CATHERINE PLACE, 7pm-I dunno, whenever you all stagger home the next day.

There will be snacks, drinks, and music but bring whatever you want 'cause none of us'll say no to it.
You going to the ball?


Okay, friends and fam! I'm looking at you!! I'm going to the ball with you guys, and Cisco and I came up with an idea! You're not allowed to say no. After the party, we're going bowling in our fancy clothes!

If you try to say no, I will give you my best puppy dog eyes.

Dec. 1st, 2017


So who's for sure going to the ball?

And if I actually write a letter to Santa, what do we think the chances are that I get sent Gremlins in the mail or like... idk... turn into whatever I ask for? Do random nice things happen here, in anybody's experience?

Nov. 29th, 2017


I am unsure if I want to attend this winter ball.


WHO: Cisco & Clark
WHEN: Before Thanksgiving
WHERE: Outside Starbucks
WHAT: Random encounter & conversations

Do you need help with any of that? )


Kara Danvers

I'm sorry I haven't been that great of a cousin since I got here. But I'd like to hear more about your world and what happened there and everything, if you have time to tell it and want to.

All DC Universe People, All Varieties

I was wondering if everyone wanted to try and do regular get togethers, maybe a meal every month or every few weeks. Any interest?

Nov. 27th, 2017


[Filtered to those at the DC friendsgiving dinner last Saturday]
I was in a food coma after that meal, so I can't remember if I said thanks or not...so just in case, thanks for having me over. It was fun.
What are you up to later?
[The 12th Doctor]
Hey, are you too busy to read a thing I wrote for my creative writing class?

Nov. 24th, 2017


I'm gonna miss this view when I leave tomorrow.

Nov. 20th, 2017


[DCgiving Invitees]

Since I'm charged with vegetarian/vegan options, and you guys tend to get the short stick at things like this, vote now on your preferences, or forever hold your peace.

Read the list if you want to eat. )

Nov. 17th, 2017


Hey. So we're doing Friendsgiving on the Saturday after Thanksgiving at casa Bat-fam. (Please check with Dick Grayson about the address, because I realize there are multiple Bat-fam houses.) We're gonna aim for people to start coming over at three. I'll be there earlier to cook, obvs. Feel free to bring a friend or two with you if you want.

Here are the rules: everybody who comes needs to bring something so that there's enough for everybody, whether that's food, drinks, entertainment, etc. You can buy or make stuff, I'm not super picky. It's gonna be a chill atmosphere, so dress however you want. I'm def wearing jeans.

We're gonna have some vegetarian options but plenty of meat. Let me know if you have dietary stuff a cook should know about.

Got it? Good! Hit me up if you got questions.

Nov. 16th, 2017



So how would you feel
Do you think I could maybe, posibly, also
I want a
Let's build a

So! What motivated you to make your own super suit thingy? Not to say it's not completely amazing and I'm not totally jealous because I completely am. I mean how cool is building that?

I guess I'm just curious? It seems like everyone has a reason for the things they do and I'm wondering what was yours? Assuming you want to share that with me, and if you don't that's completely fine too and I'll bring you cookies for making you think about something not fun.

[Vanille & Prompto]
So, I was thinking of maybe trying to do something date
How do you
Did either of you make the first

What's your experience with dating, and trying things out with the people you were interested in? Did you try to be affectionate before comitting to anything? Or did you keep it really platonic until you told the other person?

What are your favorite holiday traditions?

[Buffy's House]
Are we a thanksgiving celebrating house, or do we recognize and respect the trials and tribulations that native people went through and how this holiday is a mockery to the pain and suffering the first people of this nation endured due to the horrible ways that the pilgrams treated them?

Nov. 14th, 2017


Texas is way too quiet. How do you all sleep without the sound of people shouting at all hours of the night or trains going across the tracks? Or the taxis laying on their horns?

So. Thanksgiving. Is it a thing you do? I'll have you know that I can whip up one mean turkey. I give it a little bit of a kick. Great for sandwiches after too. Or are you more into ham on Thanksgiving?

Or are you vegetarian? I probably should have noticed this by now. If you are, totes sorry about that, but I can work with vegetarian.

Nov. 13th, 2017


So does anybody watch Star Trek: Discovery? Because I'm trying really hard to figure out whether I like it or not and talking it out always helps with these things. Like the show's definitely not terrible and there are a lot of things I like about it. Like all the pieces are good - the characters, the ship. Not super thrilled about when it's set, but I can deal with it. But the plots are a little... idk. And what they've done to the Klingons, I'm not super into. So half the time I dig it and half the time it's like, show can you chill for just a second?

Circle one for Friendsgiving: yes/no/veryyes

Nov. 12th, 2017


WHO: Jason Todd and Cisco Ramon
WHEN: Backdated to a Sunday when Gremlins were around
WHERE: Just outside of town
WHAT: Mayhem! Fighting little green men! Superhero goofs!
WARNINGS/DISCLAIMERS: It’s cartoony Gremlin-based violence.

Come on. I’m not getting eaten alone. )

Nov. 9th, 2017


[Filtered to Allison Argent]
Hey! Wanted to let you know that the paperwork finally went through and I'm officially your guardian. Until you're 18, at least. How have you been holding up?


I have to say I'm going to miss the little Mogwai. The gremlins were unfortunate, but is it wrong that I was a little excited because it felt like I was in The Gremlins movie? I mean they wreaked havoc, but still... I was a tiny bit stoked.

Tiny tiny.

Plus, I kind of wanted to have more time to observe them more. I never thought I'd have a chance to do that sort of study, but I guess being in this universe changes all of that.

Nov. 8th, 2017


Now that the Gremlin/Mogwai issue has been resolved, I thought maybe this Friday would be a good day to have my birthday party. Unless there's some big event that I'm missing, and then I can always push it to Saturday. Just in case, plan on Friday!

Also, Tony Stark is the best boss friend ever because I know have a totally cool new super suit, and now I can fly.


Maggie's taken to herding my mogwai to keep it out of trouble, which is very funny to watch. She's a good babysitter.

Unrelatedly I'm thinking Thanksgiving weekend in Vegas. I haven't fleeced a casino in ages.


who kara danvers and clark!cisco
what pep talk/family support
where kara and alex's place
when back when the costumes were being wonky
warnings season 2 of supergirl spoilers. also, sad kara.

... )

Nov. 5th, 2017


Does anyone want to take care of a My Little Pony named Pinkie Pie? We can't give her to any of the ranchers around here since she talks, but maybe one of the Displaced would be up for it?

There are some caveats. You must have some acreage for her to run around in and the ability to take care of a horse. Even a talking horse has some necessities.

San Antonio turned into a thing after all. That pony? Came through a portal there. We had a portal open up over Tumbleweed with the flying monkeys (have those all been rounded up yet or are they still out there?), and way back when we first got here, a villain was around and no one has any record of him arriving.

I think we have more than one portal, and the military believes it too. I'm going to be putting together a recon team for these sorts of responses.

Nov. 3rd, 2017


Ummmmmmmm I think I've got a problem

I don't know where he went?

Nov. 1st, 2017


Totally going to make some hydrophobic clothes for my Mogwai. And probably prepare for some Gremlins just in case.



If you haven't seen Gremlins, now would be a good time.

Oct. 31st, 2017


Think this goes without saying but you kids need to be safe out there during Halloween. As usual the gym is open for anyone that don't want to be out with all the rugrats running about.

Also, with Clint being gone I need someone to take over the ranged training at the gym. It don't gotta be permanent, and I'd do it myself but I got a ton of shit on my plate and would appreciate help with it.

So if you're interested then let me know here. Or stop by the gym. Whatever you want.

Oct. 28th, 2017


I need confirmation that people aren't turning into their costumes, because I have a Halloween tradition to uphold.


Since I won't be spending Tuesday dragging my brother along tracking down tikbalang, nuckelavee or gates to the lesser underzee like I had been planning - or, more realistically, pulling Kawade out of whatever bloody lunacy he manages to embroil himself in - I'm thinking I might relax with a movie marathon. Terrible, horrid movies. I'm talking about The Toxic Avenger, Day of the Triffids, The Blob, Basket Case, The Island of Lost Souls, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and what has been called the worst movie ever fucking made, The Creeping Terror.

Twelve noon onwards, Bloodstone Manor, [address]. I'll rope off the path to the theatre, and I'd advise you not to touch anything that isn't explicitly labeled for use. You never know what's being guarded and what's doing the guarding.

Oct. 27th, 2017


The progression of coding languages is amazing. The ones now are so much more complex than [.....] when I'm from. I'm pretty fluent in Standard C++, HTML, Javascript, Java, Python, ColdFusion, Mercury, PHP, Ruby, E, a lot of late 90's programming languages, and have been catching up on the newest ones online. The prior integration of data and object orientation has been crazy upgraded in the newer languages! The mass query and repetition built in? Way easier! Knowing some most some of the older languages that created the base format of these newer languages makes learning these new ones way easier. Being able to look at page source codes without having to hack into the web page itself? Magic! There's so many different OS types. The differences and similarities between them is staggering. I was also looking mobile application development and that's such a huge market, I never would have ever predicted any of this even if some of the coding language improvements were obvious upgrades. Like, duh, of course you'd want the data package to push through automatically by linking the two packages without having to manually code each push.


For something a little less nerdy: Chemistry Cat has to be one of my favorite things on the internet with his little glasses, little bowtie and being so periodically Fluorine, Uranium, Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Yttrium! :D

Buffy )

Vanille, Prompto & Cisco )

Diana )

Tara )


What does it's a date mean?

Does that mean it's a date like, oh hello, this is October 27th at 8:50am?

Or is it like it's a date like, a date?

I am so bad with these things.

Oct. 25th, 2017


[Friends + Bats]

Saturday night, Dick's place, not-Halloween party. I'm cooking. Dick's making rot-your-teeth cocktails that I will not admit having tried or endorsed. Be there at 7:30. Bring dog treats. Don't dress up.


Network Post: Dash Parr

Do you still have the plague? I can bring soup or something. Don't worry, I won't make it myself.

Hey, I've got a question for the supers here or any of the inventing types. So, I have a problem. Back home, we've got Edna who is this weird old friend of my family's, and like insanely smart. She made all our supersuits, but my last one was made for me when I turned thirteen and I'm practically fifteen now and a little lot taller, and it's starting to be kind of small, and I really can't afford anything constricting, so advice?

Oct. 23rd, 2017


netpost; dick grayson

I keep looking at this costume I ordered before all the fun began and I'm loathed to put it on. Nothing against Kid Flash; but I don't want to have to eat as much as he does, only to turn back into myself and be at the gym every spare second burning off the calories.

Oct. 17th, 2017


[Everyone but Tara and Buffy]

So, um, if there was someone who you thought was really nice and sweet, and maybe kind of pretty and you wanted to do something really nice for their birthday for them, what would you do?

I was thinking maybe baking, but I'm not sure what her cake or cookie or sweet flavors are perferred.

If someone's allergic to strawberies, would they also be allergic to strawberry flavoring? Google says yes, but maybe I could sneak some benedryl into the cake? but it seems uncertain?

So, you know I think birthdays are a big deal, and totally should be a big-time deal, and that everyone should have a happy birthday and since Tara's been so nice to me so I'd hate to see someone not have a good birthday. Do you know what Tara likes? have any suggestions for how we could celebrate people's birthdays in the house? I'd really like to make sure everyone has a good time on their special once a year yay-you're-alive kind of day.

Oct. 14th, 2017


So apparently the real reason I died was because some asshole programmed his phone to make robocalls when the comic book company asked people to vote on whether a fifteen-year-old kid should be murdered or not.

If anybody's looking for me, I'll be at the bar, breaking my own rules about alcohol.

Oct. 11th, 2017


So, the internet? Wow. This is mega-huge. Like bigger than I ever could have imagined it being sort of huge. Titanosaur argentinosaurus huinculensis cross bred with a Blue Whale kind of huge!

It's so easy to get lost in too.

Has anyone else lost an hour of their life to aodrable cat videos?


Watch out, Tumbleweed! I'm here to get the scoop.

Because where else would an investigative reporter work than the local paper?

Oct. 10th, 2017


Did I seriously just ...

Yep. I did.

Damian, no pushing people off the dinosaur.

Oct. 8th, 2017


Hola mi amigos!

Where can I get a burrito? This is Texas, right?

Can someone bring me one, I'm trapped in a box. I could get out but I don't think they want me to.

Oct. 7th, 2017


This is an update on my earlier investigation.

With help from Vision, we've been able to identify the man who opened Spooktacular. His name is Ethan Rome, and he rented the storefront for two months, but didn't begin moving costumes into the space until the middle of September. The employees he hired say he was odd, but not unkind, and paid well for the part-time work at his shop. We do not have any clear photos of him, but he's described as having blond hair, 5'5' and being 35 years of age. It's clear that the name is an alias - the identification he provided to rent the store are forgeries and don't trace back to anything, and his digital footprint is practically non-existent. I wouldn't be surprised if his appearance was also a disguise, given the man was obviously a skilled sorcerer - somebody of his caliber wouldn't have a problem altering his bodily features. In any case, Ethan has effectively appeared and disappeared without a trace - the last time he was seen was on the day before the Come As You Aren't party.

After conferring with my fellow magic-users in town, we've determined that the only costumes that caused the transformations came from Spooktacular. As many of you might have already surmised, the transformations are not permanent, and once the transformation has ended, the costume becomes entirely mundane. However, the costumes that remain in Spooktacular are still cursed. So to prevent any more chaos, we have closed the shop and sealed it with a variety of magical wards to keep the magic contained until we are able to dispel the curses. All other costumes, not bought at Spooktacular, are safe to wear.

If you would like to return the costume that was bought at Spooktacular, we will accept them, and store them safely within the shop.

I, myself, am purchasing my Halloween costume online, and having it shipped.

[Private to Magic-Users]
The nature of the magic used for the curses are not malevolent, and it occurs to me as I was writing this, that this is more the work of a Trickster. Thor suggested to me that this seemed to be something Loki would do, but this was before Loki appeared. But I also considered this work could be Prankish in nature, along the lines of Weasley Wizard Wheezes.

Oct. 5th, 2017


Clark Kent is literally the nicest dude!

I may have missed some things this week. Sorry. What's up everybody?

That was a trip and a half, huh?

So hey.

Oct. 4th, 2017


Christ. How does he do it? Ugh. I'm just ... going to shower. And brush my teeth. And then shower again. With bleach. And steel wool. God, I'd go insane if I had to pretend to be "Brucie" Wayne every damn day. Bourbon's an appropriate mouthwash, right? Or I could stick with the bleach ...


I am so fuc sorry.


Look, if you're still around, that wasn't me, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but Bruce isn't that big of an ass.


I don't even know if I want to ask if you're you.

Oct. 2nd, 2017


Hello? Has someone seen where... Metropolis went? Am I on a different Earth? Also is there a Lois Lane around?

Sep. 30th, 2017


[Logan, Emma, Cisco, Violet]
New number: [number]
Hey, how's the suit coming?

Sep. 27th, 2017


Dare I ask if anyone's really comfortable with learning alien tech here?

Sep. 24th, 2017


Well, I officially had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season.

Sep. 22nd, 2017


[Cisco Ramon]
Hey, you said you were into tech and stuff, right? This might be a weird question, but I have this suit that was short-circuited a few months ago. Do you think you might be able to fix it? I can pay you.

Sep. 21st, 2017


I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about majoring in Physics, and I feel like this is a good incentive. What do you think, Anakin?

Sep. 18th, 2017


Okay, so here's the thing. Some of you have talked to me and know this, and some of you don't, but...

I'm a zombie.

And I know. There's a lot of bad things about it, so I'm going to open up the floor for questions. Ask me anything, and I'll answer.

Sep. 19th, 2017


Just realised I'm less than two weeks from my first anniversary here. When the hell did that happen? Think the memory dump makes it seem like less.

On the other hand a whole lot of shit's happened since then, so maybe it's not much of a surprise after all.

Sep. 15th, 2017


Cassini-Huygens, 15 October 1997 - 15 September 2017

They're crashing it into Saturn to make sure the moons don't get contaminated and it will be transmitting right up until it starts burning in the upper atmosphere. It's taken some fantastic images since it's been there.

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