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November 12th, 2017

[info]spidergwen in [info]thedisplaced

Dear portal,

Do us a favor this month, and don't start turning people into turkeys if they decide to, like, you know.. cook one. Because this year, I'm actually considering hosting it.

Filter: Spiders and friends/associates
I'm hosting. You guys want to bring over people if you want. Or if you have other plans already, that's totally cool with me.

[info]nobullshit in [info]thedisplaced

[Texts to Sam Wilson (616)]
›› Hey.
›› Happy Birthday.

[info]rogerthat in [info]thedisplaced

Happy Birthday to Sam Wilson! May you grow as old as me.

Who's throwing the shindig?


Is it your birthday, too?

[info]littleblue in [info]thedisplaced

Singularity is here!

[info]goodlikesunkist in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Jason Todd and Cisco Ramon
WHEN: Backdated to a Sunday when Gremlins were around
WHERE: Just outside of town
WHAT: Mayhem! Fighting little green men! Superhero goofs!
WARNINGS/DISCLAIMERS: It’s cartoony Gremlin-based violence.

Come on. I’m not getting eaten alone. )

[info]chemicalthief in [info]thedisplaced

I guess since having a job is kind of important, I got one at Gypsy's. I think I'm gonna like this place.

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Kylo Ren & Eliot Waugh
When: October 8th, after this and this
Where: Central Park
What: They talk about NYC, Chandrila and flying. Eliot tells Kylo about the disagreement he had with Leia involving the Fall Festival.
Rating: G
Status: Complete.

Hanna City had a park like that. )

Who: Kylo Ren & Eliot Waugh
When: October 10th
Where: Battery Park & the Statue Cruise to Liberty Island
What: Talking on the ferry boat and being tourists.
Rating: G, like super fluffy G.
Status: Complete.

You know how sometimes they say you don't know how much you love something until it's gone? )

[info]highkingeliot in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Kylo Ren & Eliot Waugh
When: October 12th
Where: Time Square Disney Store & their hotel
What: Eliot and Kylo stumble on the The Force Awakens playing in a store. Emotions are later discussed.
Rating: Teen. Discussions of events in The Force Awakens and corresponding feelings.
Status: Complete.

How much of it did you see? )

[info]boywhobelieves in [info]thedisplaced

I was wondering if you want to come over to my place for Thanksgiving. My moms are cooking and making all the good pies.

[info]controlshadows in [info]thedisplaced

[Anakin Solo]
Ok. I have an idea. And it might be a terrible one. You want to hear it?

[info]thevenomchoseme in [info]thedisplaced

Hey, so, there's been a lot of talk 'bout Thanksgiving. People curious 'bout what it is and just planning get togethers and all.

So, I figured I'd toss this out here. If you don't got a place to go or trying to figure out everything is too hard or you just want a place to watch some football on TV or join in a pick up game of touch football, you can come on by SHIELD Academy for Thanksgiving. We'll have the TV going and tons of food. Feel free to stop in at any point during the day, even if it's just to pick up a plate of turkey and stuffing.

[info]viva_america in [info]thedisplaced

Hey, Carol. Ultimates Assemble?

[info]phosphoromancy in [info]thedisplaced

Are you doing anything this week, Margo?

We're going to have Thanksgiving at Shiro's friends house. Is that alright with you?

[info]seattleangel in [info]thedisplaced

(011) Max Guevara

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I've got my feet powered bike here, but I think I'm going to start saving up for something with a little more umph to it. I'm missing my other wheels pretty significantly.

I'm also, and I never thought I'd say this, but kind of missing Seattle weather. There's something about mist and fog and rain that feels weirdly comforting.

[info]obscurence in [info]thedisplaced

(020) Credence Barebone

[Filter: Albus]
Harry offered to help teach me if I wanted. I thought I should ask before I began lessons with someone else, but it's been helpful to have more than one teacher sometimes.

Emmeline suggested that we could do dinner somewhere to celebrate my having been here a year, and I thought we should go someplace that Helena would like. Or we could do it at home.

If it isn't a bother, that is.

[info]udonta in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Peter Quill and Yondu Udonta
WHEN: Day 2 of Yondu’s quarantine
WHERE: Quarantine!
WHAT: Peter stops being chickenshit and goes to visit his dad.
WARNINGS: Language, death, kidnapping, parental issues
STATUS: gdoc, complete!

Thought we agreed that discussion was over. )

[info]wonkytonks in [info]thedisplaced

WHO: Tonks and Charlie Weasley
WHEN: November 8th, 1 am
WHERE: The Burrow
WHAT: Charlie and Tonks wake up the entire Burrow hollering at each other.
WARNINGS: Alcoholism.
STATUS: Complete!

We are not the only people here. )