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November 11th, 2017

[info]avenging_son in [info]thedisplaced

Shout out of thanks to all the veterans here no matter what world/reality you're from.

[Dad | Uncle Bucky]
Happy Veterans Day to you both.

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedisplaced

In case anybody was wondering, I'm in the Greek Isles with River, Nebula and Gamora. I popped over for the auditions and then popped back. We'll be home Sunday night.

[Private to River]
Is it just me, or does Nebula without the blue look just like Amy?

[info]encrypting in [info]thedisplaced

Hello! I'm Matt Holt, former science officer of the Galaxy Garrison in my home universe. I've been hired by the military here as a researcher - which basically means I'm going to attempt to invent all the technology we had in my world for analyzing portals like the one we're working with. And maybe once the tech is invented, we can start doing some actual research on the portal.

But anyway, just wanted to introduce myself since I'll be seeing you around and I'm not always great at remembering to speak to people when I get absorbed in research, so - hello!

[info]spacedad in [info]thedisplaced

Private to Voltron and Alice

So, Alice and I have been planning on pulling together a Thanksgiving for a while, and you're all now required to attend. There will at least be bacon and pie.

Allura, do you mind if we hold it at the castle?

[info]rjlupin in [info]thedisplaced

I have a question for you.

[info]bornunder in [info]thedisplaced

Hey. I just realized it's been a little while.

How's it going?

[info]boywhobelieves in [info]thedisplaced

[Swan House filter]
What are we doing for Thanksgiving this year?

And if we have it here can we invite da Nea Dad over?

[info]absorbs in [info]thedisplaced

gift for kurt wagner

Left in front of Kurt's bedroom door. It's helpful to have a Bamf for teleporting.

  • framed photo of him with Anka Irene from last weekend.
  • 2 tickets to Hamilton next Friday night. In NYC. Orchestra. Don't ask how she got it. But enjoy.
  • And a note that says 'Happy birthday, Kurt. ♥ your sis'