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November 13th, 2017

[info]gfweasley in [info]thedisplaced

I know we're not suppose to draw attention to ourselves here, but if I were to ward a field away from prying eyes, you lot think I could get a game of Quidditch going?

All interested parties, let me know.

Edit: CHARLES, give me access to your pit.

[info]goodlikesunkist in [info]thedisplaced

So does anybody watch Star Trek: Discovery? Because I'm trying really hard to figure out whether I like it or not and talking it out always helps with these things. Like the show's definitely not terrible and there are a lot of things I like about it. Like all the pieces are good - the characters, the ship. Not super thrilled about when it's set, but I can deal with it. But the plots are a little... idk. And what they've done to the Klingons, I'm not super into. So half the time I dig it and half the time it's like, show can you chill for just a second?

Circle one for Friendsgiving: yes/no/veryyes

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedisplaced

I am terribly sorry for the trauma the bonfire caused. I had not anticipated that the little creatures would find themselves drawn to a fire when they were so scared of bright lights. I suppose the darkness surrounding it was enticing enough.

Perhaps some of my students could use it as the basis of a horror story for next year's Spooky Tales.

[info]matchstick in [info]thedisplaced

Hey, so, I know we're missing ever-- it's just the two of us here but what were you thinking of for Thanksgiving? Carol and Jess are around and we can invite Remy too. There's also a few Brits here who probably wouldn't mind having a turkey dinner.

[info]secretwife in [info]thedisplaced

[Luke, Leia, Anakin Skywalker]
I was wondering if the three of you would like to have dinner tomorrow night. I think we should all sit down, as a family, and spend some time together. Another time, perhaps. I'm sorry.
I'm afraid I may have made things worse. He doesn't want to see me. Ever.
Our marriage is finished, Ahsoka.

[info]mamafantastic in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to 616ers and extended friends of Sue or Johnny (includes Whoverse people)]
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, Johnny and I talked it over and we’d like to invite you all over that Thursday at 4pm. There will be turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, stuffing, yams, green bean casserole, rolls, [edit: and mashed potatoes], and whatever else any of you would like to bring. If you already have plans, that’s fine – there will be plenty of food I’m sure so feel free to come by that night or Friday to take some off our hands.

[info]brother_mine in [info]thedisplaced

My first weekend in Tumbleweed was spent with plaster, paint and one too many exhausting trips to the hardware store.

Does anybody here do handyman work? The labor I hired are unsatisfactory.

[Private to Padme]
Ms Naberrie, may I introduce myself; I am Mycroft Holmes. You might have already been notified about me. I have been given a post in the Mayor's office, and shall be working along side of you.

[info]aphra in [info]thedisplaced

Hey! Do you need a tune-up on your prosthetic arm or leg? How about your automobile or toaster?

Doctor Aphra specializes in making things better. You want a new hand that can withstand blasters? I'm your doctor! You want someone who can upgrade to make that hand of yours cool off your drink without ice? I'm your girl. You want your droid to shut his mouth more often? I'm your girl..

[info]buttmonkeys in [info]thedisplaced

It took half an hour but I finished a two mile run and now I'm never moving again.

[info]report_this in [info]thedisplaced

Hey. I've invited us to a Friendsgiving. What dessert do you want to bring? I'm thinking pie.

[info]thanksdad in [info]thedisplaced

[Guardians of the Galaxy + Yondu + Weasley 1 and 2]
I will help with fixing the space we are moving into. I do not want anyone to work on my room, I will do that alone.

I would like a training area outside for shooting and sparring. And access to the roof.

[Peter Quill]
You need to know that if you hurt my sister, I will harm you.

[Sam Wilson]
How are you?

[info]timidwitch in [info]thedisplaced

[Alice Quinn]

Did you want to get together sometime and talk about magic?

I would with Willow, but it's a little weird between us. She used to be my girlfriend but doesn't remember it... So I try to give her space.

[info]leo_valdez in [info]thedisplaced

I've gotten further now. I'm starting on the wings now, which is going to be a lot of work, but at least he's sort of more finished than he was before.

I wish the holidays


I miss my mom.

[info]joysucker in [info]thedisplaced

I am back.

Rocket, I brought you something.

... Thank you.

I owe you a favor for taking the time to bring me and Nebula to the sea. I do not forget whatever kindness that has been done for me and my sister.