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Posts Tagged: 'mass+effect:+canon:+commander+shepard'

Sep. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

I've noticed we've picked up quite a few new arrivals this week, so I figured I'd just take a minute to say hello to the new arrivals.

My name is Adeleis Shepard, Captain of the Normandy. From a different than the one we've got here -- which is absolutely worth the visit if you're ever curious -- but I've been here awhile now. If you need any help getting your bearings, don't hesitate to let me know. If you're looking for a way to meet some new people, we've got a great new community center and I also run a weekly poker game -- all experience levels welcome. Just let me know if you'd like to stop by if there's a seat at the table.

For those of you with, or looking to acquire, flight experience, I'm also your go-to here. We've got several classes of ship including, if you're someone with...lets say, mental gifts? Anyway. If you've got the brain for it or the ability to work with interfaced technology easily, a very large ship we're still looking to pick up pilots for -- because it would be a shame if we suddenly lost that knowledge. Everyone else, doesn't matter if you're used to flying stick or with computer assistance, I'm happy to log some flight time with you. Same goes for all you aces back home looking to keep your skills sharp.

Hope you're all settling in alright.

Shepard, Out.

[ Rocket ]

And I'd like to see about getting something we could use to test the targeting systems on the new defenses. Please not a life fire exercise. I'm all for being thorough when it comes to safety, but not at that much risk to myself if it can be avoided.

Sep. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

Just a friendly reminder that tonight's poker night. In honor of the current mess going on with the passports, we're going to change things up tonight:

If you and your partner want to come, and your partner has never played poker before, you can play but you have to be their coach. If neither of you have played, but you want to come for a night of cards, gambling, and drinking, come on down. We'll teach you the rules. No buy in. Drinks are on me. We'll just play for fun tonight, get to know some new people. Hope to see you all there.

Shepard, Out.

(OOC: I will actually post results this week. Sorry about being so overwhelmed by life I've dropped the ball on this event. If you want to come, just sign up IC below. If you're part of the linked plot and you and your partner want to come, sign up as the same, but please include an OOC note in the subject line as to who the player and coach are so I can separate out the results please.)

Sep. 10th, 2017



[No Subject]

Well. Well.

Didn't see any of this coming.

[ Barry Jyn Erso, Sara Ryder, Killian Jones, and Joker. ]

So. Welcome to the family. Space Explorers, a scientist, a pilot, and a pirate. I'm not even going to try and explain how this happened or come up with reasons, but if we're all going to be stuck together, I figured we should all make introductions and get to know each other.

[ Jeff ]

So. You've got to have some questions. One of them should not be if the pilot's chair is yours: You should know EDI would prefer you in that seat more than anyone. Yes. Her Body is here. Yes. It's in one piece. She's not really using it much in public since sentiment regarding A.I. seems to be largely mixed so far. I've also got a smaller, more maneuverable, craft here. Traditional flight stick flight, less math, more reflexes. I think you might like her if you want some pilot lessons there too.

I really can't tell you how good it is to see you.

Sep. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

Instead of ending up in situations like these, I'm still going to have to insist we could all just collect commemorative plates.

Shit. Does anyone know who or what killed the owner of this head, or is it a mystery?

Sep. 8th, 2017



Late Night Voice Post

[ Obviously sounding somewhere less than sober but not exactly fall over drunk, there's a bit of a pause between when the message starts and her voice actually chimes in on the post]

Okay. So maybe deciding tonight was the night to break out Traynor's old bar-tending notes was not the best idea, but it happened. And there may have been some [...] Quad Kickers in there. And by some I mean, quite a few.

Which got me to thinking, slightly insensitive as this might be...but I've met quite a few of you...so...

I've got a question for you. )
(OOC: Discussion of character death highly likely in the comments given the question under the cut. Just wanted to make sure people were aware.

Sep. 6th, 2017


[No Subject]

Right then, going to Earth in a couple days for the first time since I got here. Admittedly worried something will go wrong but I'm trying to do this relaxing thing. I really am.



[No Subject]

What's fun here? Or should I start looking for a way to get my Viper off this spacehead?

Aug. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

So. The stories I'm hearing from people showing back up suggest that maybe someone out there could use a drink?

[ Space Ladies ]

And regardless if they do or not, I'm thinking about taking the Normandy out into space for a few days since we can flex the passports some now, maybe go see a planet within reach now that I've got supplies in the hands of people who need them.

You two want to come?

Aug. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

[ Sabo ]

Sounds like you had quite a good time the other night, so I just figured I'd take a minute to check in. How's my favorite flamethrower?



[No Subject]

Alright people, it's poker night. You all know how this works by now I'd assume but, if you're one of the new arrivals we've picked up, here's the long and short. My name is Adeleis Shepard and once upon a time I beat Rocket for the right to run the card games. We play cards weekly for units. Sometimes for good causes sometimes because we just like to play cards. Cheating and powers don't fly unless we've set up a special game ahead of time and, well, the general idea is to get drunk and have fun. If you're interested, go ahead and let me know and I'll make sure there's room for you at the table.

Secondarily. I know I've worked with some of you regarding pilot training and the RIV. I'd like to keep that up of course, but also my own ship has shown up. Unfortunately, she's shown up sans her crew save for a very helpful computer. That being said, as I have every intention of making sure the ship stays in good, working order (since he knows what we might need it for next), she's going to need people who know how to work Engineering, mechanics, computer systems...all things to some degree outside my pay grade and not at all what I'm about to foist on my lovely friends here just so we can gallivant around the galaxy or shoot things that maybe try and invade our home here. If you think you've got the qualifications and you're interested, let me know. We'll set up a walk through of the ship. If it seems like it'll work out, I've got the majority of the technical information (even if I don't understand some of it) available for you to look at. I can offer pilot training there as well, but don't expect the ship to be very nice to you. She was pretty partial to the last guy who sat in that chair.

Lastly, for the Technical and Medical People. As the Normandy has arrived and, near as I can tell, everything's up and running properly, I've got some services I'd like to open up to you. The ship, at least where I'm from, was pretty state of the art in all its bells and whistles. This, as it was originally designed to be a stealth, combat, and research vessel, includes a very well stocked Lab and Med-Bay, complete with a Medi-Gel dispenser (which I'm hoping maybe we can reverse engineer because it would save you guys lot of time and trouble) as well as a Dermal Regenerative Unit, kind of like the Cradle as I understand it, but only a little slower. I'm not sure how easy it would be to get these things out of here, but I do want you to know they're available to work with if you'd like to come look at them.

[ Cosmo, The Guardians, Bobbi Morse, and Other trainers at The Hovel ]

The Normandy did also come with a, surprisingly, well stocked armory. She must have come from right after II've gone ahead and had the ship lock it down for now, but I would be more than happy to open it up if you wanted to add some pieces to the local arms and armor we've got present. Most of the stuff is pretty standard fare in terms of firearms. There's a few more oddball tech pieces in here, and a few things that the general populace has absolutely zero need to get their hands on. If you'd like to come take a look, or have any questions or concerns about any of this, please don't hesitate to let me know.

[ End Filter ]

Shepard, Out.

Aug. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Need a wizard?

I'm open for business. Consulting advice, lost items found, private investigations, magical know-how.

I don't produce endless purses, love potions, or contract for entertainment or parties. I'm a wizard, not a stage magician.

Need an appointment? Contact Castiel.

[ooc: be aware of mentions of rape in the comments]

Jul. 23rd, 2017



netpost; Addy Carver

Just so everyone knows, I'm still here.

I was really busy all week with the guys and dealing with the fact that one of them had swapped bodies with my crush.

So a while back before this and the Reapers there was mention of Hypervodka, Captain Harkness. Is that still on the table?

Jul. 21st, 2017



[No Subject]

(OOC: Backdated to after Shep first finds out the Normandy has arrived, super early morning on the 19th)
[ Jyn ]

Hey you. I know it's kind of late, but uhm, it's been kind of a weird night and a really big surprise showed up.

You think you could meet me down at the docks? I'd really like you to be one of the first people who see it.



[No Subject]

Who: Commander Shepard (Open to the Space Ladies)
What: Shepard gets her memories back and a wish comes true
Where: Her apartment.
When: Backdated to the 18th, since it took me longer to finish this than I'd thought.
Rating: Medium to high, Flashbacks and general unpleasantness for Shepard, minimally talk of death and sacrifice.
Status: Narrative (possible thread), complete.

It had been said she looked pretty good for Dead. )

Jul. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

I don't know what everyone is complaining about, this has been great for me. I'm happy to take a mini vacation from my powers. I feel so light instead of a having ton of weight on my shoulders.

Jul. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]


Jul. 15th, 2017


[No Subject]

mom? umm... I think I got distracted and lost again but I'm not sure this ones my fault? Where's Central City?

Jul. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

This is SSgt Sam Wilson, US Air Force. Anyone able to give me a sitrep here?

Jul. 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

Anyone feel like going a few rounds at sparring? Need to get some range of motion back so I don't feel as old as Cap. Be nice to be able to get a decent draw on the bow again, too.

Jul. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

Well, since the folks down in Medical were kind enough to let me out early and my roommates got me a lovely surprise that say I now have fish I have to worry about feeding, who's up for the weekly poker game tonight? C'mon now. Don't be shy. I've got some units to win and fish to spoil.