November 2017



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Apr. 18th, 2016


Who: Owen and Cecilia
Where: Kitchen
When: The afternoon

Read more... )

Apr. 17th, 2016


Who: Juno and Jack
When: Around 2:10pm
Where: Jack's room

I ain't afraid of no ghost )


Who: Edwin, OPEN
When: Afternoon
Where: The 3rd floor Gameroom

Alright, so it was dark. No big deal. )


Who: Marco & Aspen
When: After 4
Where: The Theater

That was a good distraction, too. )


Who: Pam & Madison
When: Evening
Where: The Lounge

She felt silly thinking about ghosts, but... )


Who: Oliver and Kate
When: Around 8 pm
Where: Oliver's room

Dinnertime )

Apr. 15th, 2016


Who: Kiley, Chase, Lennon and Tobias
When: Late morning
Where: The house, obvs

what the French, toast? )

Apr. 14th, 2016


Who: Marco & Cecilia
When: Who knows for sure? But after lunch
Where: Cecilia's room

Right, so this was a housewide thing. )



Day 30.

Weather: Haha, yeah. About that...

Events: The sun never rises in Mount Zenith this morning.

Okay. Well. It might? But it’s not going to do anyone in the house a bit of good.

Those waking in the morning (or whenever) will find their rooms dark. All clocks (including watches) have been removed from the house. Those that cannot be removed (such as on electronics, computers, the oven timer, etc) are permanently flashing 00:00, and cannot be reset.

So, imagine you wake up, and your body is telling you it feels like morning and you’ve had enough sleep, so why is it so dark out? You might climb out of bed, head to the nearest window, and throw open the curtains. You would see… nothing. Large black metal sheets have been fixed over every window in the house from the outside, and absolutely no light gets through. The same is true of the glass in any of the doors. What’s more, absolutely none of the doors leading outside will open. Not to the second floor patio, not to the back yard, the front yard… nadda. They will absolutely not budge, and they have been reinforced.

So. No one can get out. No one can see out. And there isn’t a single tiny bit of technology in the house capable of telling anyone what time it is. Okay, that’s weird, bordering on creepy, but not necessarily the end of the world. Claustrophobics might have a difficult time with it, but reasonably speaking, everything they need is more or less inside the house. They have food and water, they have medical supplies, they have various forms of entertainment. There’s no communications from TPTB today, so apparently all they need to is just get through this strange experiment.

And I do mean strange. There’s a few points that need to be addressed.

First, those in Experiment B no longer have camera access to any feeds outside of the house, so they can’t use that as a way to tell time, either. But any of them actually watching their feeds are probably going to have their attention pretty well captivated elsewhere, because they’re going to see some weird stuff.

Any time an Experiment B character loads the feed to an empty room (say, the kitchen when no one’s in there), an object is going to move on its own. That coffee mug someone left at the edge of the counter might just casually slide off the edge and shatter to the floor. A chandelier might sway briefly. Closet and cupboard doors may open or close on their own. That sort of thing.

What’s more, they’re frequently going to cast glimpses of a dark figure moving in dark or shadowed places. If they flip on the night vision option, the figure disappears. This will happen even while other people are in the room being watched.

Of course, Experiment B’s not the only one who gets to have some fun today. Later in the day (it’s impossible to say when, but the body’s internal clock would probably gauge it as being around lunch time), people are going to start noticing weird sounds, and weird shadows.

First, the sounds. Through the course of the day, an individual might be walking down the hall towards the dining room. Outside of the room they might hear quiet voices in conversation in the room inside, but once they open the door? Empty. No one there. You’re riding the elevator down to the basement, and before the doors open you can hear someone singing on the other side. Once the doors open? You got it, nothing. People will hear the full range of it today. Singing, fighting, crying, talking, whispering, moaning… it’s all there to be heard, the source of which is never detectable. Though this will never happen to a single character more than once today.

Next, the shadows. Everyone is going to have at least one encounter (but no more than three over the course of the day) with a strange and unexplainable shadow. Someone might be sitting at their computer and see a shadow looming over them, only to turn around and see no one is there. You might be walking down the hall and catch a glimpse of a shadow running ahead and around the corner, but you‘ll never find where it came from.

Have fun with that.

Oh, one last thing. Evie has been removed from the house.

MOD NOTE: Please continue to timestamp your network communications. Even though the character might not know the time, that information is still helpful to the players.