November 2017



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May. 17th, 2016


Who: Damon and Aspen
Where: the kitchen
When: around 11 p.m.

he wasn't a trusting soul )


Who: Erran and Gemma
Where: Erran's room
When: 9:30pm

they're going to kill us )

May. 16th, 2016


Who: Tobias and Madison
Where: Madison's room
When: 8:45pmish

making the rounds )

May. 15th, 2016


Who: Lennon, Juno and Marco
When: 8:20ish
Where: his room

it brought back so many bad feelings )

May. 14th, 2016


Who: Owen and Cecilia (and Neptune duh)
When: 8:30ish
Where: Owen's room

abort abort )


Who: Chase and Kiley
Where: Chase's room
When: Soon after the event announcement

Limited inventory space is the worst )



At 8 PM, everyone receives a message on their computer. A light on the computer begins blinking, and there's an intermittent beep accompanying the light, so it's pretty hard to ignore. Once the subject goes to their computer, the message pops up automatically. It reads:

Tomorrow, you will be relocated.

You will find a suitcase has been placed in your closet. Pack whatever you think you will need.

Oh, shit. What the hell does that mean?

Sure enough, everyone is going to find a suitcase waiting in their closet. All characters will find it complimentary to their tastes, and some might even find it's one of their own pieces from home.

There is no other explanation. No hint of what comes next. Shortly after midnight, everyone in the house will fall asleep, whether they mean to or not.


Who: Gemma and Georgie
Where: The elevator and then the hot tub time machine in the basement
When: Around 11:20am

ship name wild child next door )

May. 13th, 2016


Who: Kiley and Edwin
When: Afternoon
Where: The (mood) gassy fun zone (aka, the basement)

Read more... )

May. 12th, 2016


Who: Marco & Erran
When: Around noon
Where: Erran's room

Marco brought omelettes... )


Who: Owen and Cecilia (and Neptune!)
When: Late morning
Where: Heading into town

Mom and Bigfoot. )



Day 34.

Weather: Temperatures have taken another dip, and during the night there’s the first light frost of the season. The day is cloudy, with a high of 48°F.

Events: It’s probably a safe guess that everyone expects all of yesterday’s answers to be made public. That’s how it went down with the surveys, and even several of the individuals that weren’t around in those days have heard of them, or seen some of the aftermath on the network. TPTB have proven themselves to be sick, twisted individuals that really enjoy forcing tensions and making people squirm. So of course they’re going to make that shit public.

Oh, hey. At 8 AM, everyone receives a message on their computer. That should surprise absolutely no one. There is no good morning or greeting, it just launches straight into the good stuff. The questions and answers appear in their own window, and the subjects can’t close the window until they’ve at least scrolled through the entire thing. At the end of which is a message from TPTB.

Of all attempts, Tobias had the highest number of correct guesses. Whether it be chance or an indication that he has the greatest sense of his companions, we cannot say. However he did it, he has won the test and shall be rewarded. For also being in the top percentile of accurate answers, we have decided to reward Oliver, Lennon, Avram, Marco, and Chase. Additionally, despite being free of obligation, Aspen, Erran, and Gemma all at least attempted to participate, and shall receive a lesser reward for their willingness to try. Madison won the bonus round. Everyone else will be punished. Of all subjects, only Juliet, Georgie, and Owen refused to participate.

All rewards and punishments will be issued at a later time.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait. If anyone feels like something’s missing, there is. While confirming that Tobias had the most correct answers, they didn’t actually say he or anyone got them all right. And they appear to have no intention of revealing the correct answers. They didn’t even reveal who guessed what in the bonus round, so there’s no confirmation there, either.

Nope. It appears they’re just going to let the paranoia fester. Fan-freaking-tastic.

MOD NOTE: An event will be happening at 8PM of this gameday. Please do not play past 8PM until this event is posted. The event will be posted on Sunday, May 15.