November 2017



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Feb. 16th, 2017


Who: Madison
Where: From her room through corridors and stairs ending at the door to Chase and Kiley's room
When: Around 4am

A Game of Clue )


Who: Daphne
When: Late night
Where: Kitchen/halls/all over

Mischief managed. )


Who: Theo & Damon.
When: Late evening.
Where: Craft room.

this is a placeholder )



Who: Lennon and Tobias
When: Late morning
Where: The house/Lennon’s room

Tobias never thought he’d say it, but he was glad to be back in Zenith. C39 had been kind of creepy and he’d hated the clothes, and the money and weird food products. The upside had been Madison, but everything else sucked. The trial and Simms and the survey. He didn’t really want to end up anywhere else like that again, but he knew what he wanted didn’t count for anything.

After showering and getting dressed in jeans and a warm hoodie, Tobias made his way to Lennon’s room. There was a chance Lennon was out and about and not even there, but he figured he would try first before answering the house to find his friend. They hadn’t been able to talk much during their time underground, and he still kind of wanted to ask Lennon about Lila. So he stood outside Lennon’s door and rapped on it with his knuckles before shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie to wait.

the best thing to do )

Feb. 15th, 2017


Who: Georgie & Rae
When: 10 p.m.
Where: Georgie's room

soak the day away )

Feb. 13th, 2017


Who: Pam & Kris.
When: Early evening.
Where: Kitchen.

tea in the sahara )
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Who: Kiley & Theo.
When: Afternoon-ish?
Where: Craft room.

it sure left its mark on us )


Who: Kris & Daniel
When: immediately following this
Where: outside the mansion
Notes: complete

it doesn't have to be a snowman )

Feb. 12th, 2017


Who: Marco & Cecilia
When: Right after 9
Where: Foyer/first floor stairway

Everything is weird )


Who: Jonnie, Jack, and Madison
Where: kitchen
When: shortly after this

wild winters, warm coffee )


Who: Lila and Kate
When: Morning, 9:00amish
Where: Lila's room

She had never been above personal pain if it benefited her. )

Feb. 11th, 2017


Who: Daphne and open!
When: Early afternoon
Where: Theater

Sun sun go away )


Who: Kai and open! Multiples okay!
When: Early afternoon
Where: Second floor patio hot tub

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Who: Oliver and Edwin
Where: Edwin's Room
When: Mid morning

Housewarming )

Feb. 10th, 2017



Day 67.

Weather: It's beautiful outside! Freezing, snowy, but still sunny and beautiful! And yes, there actually is an outside. The snow has stopped, but temperatures are well below the freezing mark. The snow accumulation tallies in at a whopping 7 feet of snow, but more on that later.

Events: At 8 AM, everyone - including Lila - will wake up back in their bedrooms in the Mount Zenith mansion. Simms is back in his jail cell (womp womp). If one were to look out the window they would see that the doors and windows have been cleared of snow, as have paths from the doors to the sidewalk and street. The roads are also clear of snow, and have been well salted for safety. Everyone will also find that they are locked in their room. Surprise surprise! They have a message waiting on the computer.


The final prize tally for the C39 experience are as follows:

  • Two Wild Cards, won by Felix and Lila.

  • Two Get Out of Jail Free Cards, won by Audrey and Daphne.

  • Winterproof Transportation, won by Reginald.

  • Road Maintenance and Snow Removal, won by Jim.

  • A New Shop in Mount Zenith, won by Kiley.

  • Laptop, won by Chase.

  • Repaired Kitchen, won by August.

  • Handicapped Access on All Floors, won by Oliver.

  • Snow Removal Tools, won by Cecilia.

  • Bedroom or Bathroom Renovation, won by Edwin.

  • Material Goods, won by Theo.

    Everyone will find their respective prizes waiting for them, or alternatively in some cases, instructions on how to activate them.

    At this time you may notice that you are locked in your room. We require you to complete a survey about your thoughts of the C39 experience. Surveys must be completed for your doors and windows to unlock. You will not be allowed to access the network, or do anything else on your computers, until after you complete this survey:

  • Subjects do have to provide an answer for each question, and they'll find that each answer must be longer than one word or one name. 'Yes' or 'no' isn't going to do it -- attempting to submit something like that won't work, and the individual will be told to rewrite that answer. Once they submit, their answers are posted publicly, directly to the network. Well, okay. It was probably only a matter of time before TPTB cut out the middle man and got right to it.

    Sure enough, everyone's rewards are present in the house. The wild cards aren't actually physical cards - they're computer programs now present on Felix and Lila's computers. Clicking the icon will bring them to a form allowing them to make a request.

    The Get Out of Jail Free cards, won by Audrey and Daphne, actually are cards. Audrey and Daphne will find them on their desks. They are about the size of playing cards but slightly thicker, iron grey with silver lettering. They have instructions that the card may be given to another player if they so desired, but cannot be stolen. In order to cash in the card, they need only to face any surveillance camera and rip the card in half. Doing so will grant the individual immunity from any one punishment.

    Reginald will find three keys on his desk. None of them look precisely like car keys. Because they're not. In the shed are two snowmobiles and one snowcat.

    Jim receives nothing. Just looking out the window would show him that his reward has been honored - the roads are clear. But the road into town might be a smidge intimidating for anyone not used to snow.

    Chase's desktop computer has been replaced with a brand new laptop. It has all the same programs and files as his desktop did.

    The kitchen has been fully restored, in identical conditions to Day 1, thanks to August.

    Oliver won handicapped access to all floors, and it would have been nice if that meant elevator access, but gosh darn it that's just too easy. Every staircase in the mansion has been equipped with a lift chair. It might not be entirely dignified, but it'll get the job done.

    A selection of shovels and a single snowblower are now available in the shed, as well as a very large supply of rock salt.

    Edwin's bedroom renovation has been done. That will be pretty obvious when he wakes up. I hope.

    Theo's tattoo supplies are all boxed and waiting for her in her room.

    Finally, there is one more change to the house: a new addition, by the name of Jonnie. Jonnie gets the typical newbie experience: the IV, the hospital gown, the general what-the-fuckery of her life. The only good news is she doesn't get the message about the C39 rewards, nor does she have to fill out the survey. Win some, lose some.