November 2017



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Aug. 10th, 2016


Who: Lila and Madison
When: Late afternoon
Where: The billiards room

Read more... )

Aug. 9th, 2016


Who: Lennon and Tobias
Where: Tobias' room to start
When: around lunchtime

project time )


Who: Marco, Pam, Oliver, Aspen, & Juno
When: Late afternoon, after this
Where: Third Floor Hallway

The End of Hathaway )

Aug. 8th, 2016


Who: Felix and Hathaway
Where: Outside, Pam's Room, Marco's Room
When: Mid-afternoon

The things I do for lols )

Aug. 7th, 2016


Who: Simms & Tobias
When: Mid morning
Where: Tobias's room

Finding his moment )

Aug. 4th, 2016


Who: Jack and Marco
When: Around 9:30
Where: Kitchen

Cooking is fun, right? )



Day 44.

Weather: It's a gloomy, overcast day with frequent sprinkles, but no hardcore storms. Just a light misting.

Events: At 8 AM, everyone receives a message from TPTB.


Yesterday, we said that those that did well may be rewarded. We now leave this up to you.

We ask each of you now, who in your group do you feel most
deserves to be rewarded?

Alternatively, is there anyone that you feel deserves any sort of punishment? Was anyone an active hindrance or distraction?

If your group chooses to reward you, what is it you would most like to receive?"

It's interesting to note that no one has to answer this right away. If one desires, they can close the window and go about their business. The question will keep popping up every few minutes, however. So while a person could choose to discuss the issue with their group, or not answer all three questions, they will eventually have to submit something. By sunset the computer will start beeping if answers aren't submitted.

Please submit in-character responses as a comment to this post. All comments screened.