November 2017



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Mar. 26th, 2017


Who: Ethan and open
When: Afternoon
Where: The utility/laundry room

fancy )

Mar. 25th, 2017


Who: Lisa and OPEN
Where: That creepy statue room
When: Around ten a.m.

It had made a noise once, surely it would make another and she'd be able to figure out what it was saying. )

Mar. 24th, 2017


Who: Oliver & Edwin
When: Morning
Where: Edwin's room

Non-Toxic and Washable )


Who: Marco & Juno
When: Morning
Where: Juno's room

Comfort )

Mar. 23rd, 2017



Day 71.

Weather: There's some freezing rain in the morning that becomes a light, wet snow in the afternoon. A cold, overcast day.

Events: When Camille wakes, she will find a message waiting on her computer from TPTB (assuming she did as she was instructed yesterday). It reads:

“You are now a participant of Experiment B. In a false bottom of your top desk drawer you will find an earbud/USB cord. Plugging the cord into your computer will automatically lock your door and launch the ExB logon. Log on with your subject numbers, password: goldenapple. The ExB program will grant you access to every camera feed in Mount Zenith, as well as reading access on all messaging on the network - even private messages.

As of now, the following subjects are participants of Experiment B: Madison, Daphne, Damon, Felix, Audrey, and Simms. You may discuss your privileges and strategies amongst each other, but remember: do not discuss Experiment B with anyone else.

Good luck.”

As for the rest of the house... hey, remember that creepy statue on the fourth floor? It's making trouble again. First of all, the door to that room will not stay shut. It will keep opening of its own accord. If someone shuts it, it will gently pop back open, and they will hear a muffled sort of rustling sound coming from inside the statue. At random points through-out the day a male voice muttering unhappily can also be heard from that room. It's saying, "I can feel them crawling under my skin," with occasional additions of, "Can't eat, can't sleep," or "make it stop." Oh, you rascal!

Finally and sadly, Jack has been removed from the house.