November 2017



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May. 1st, 2017


Who: Marisa and open! (multiples ok)
Where: The invisible boundary, north side
When: 8:30ish
What: Escape attempts

Escaping! )

Apr. 30th, 2017


Who: Juno & Marco
Where: The parking lot
When: Around 8:45am

Zapped by cupid? )


Who: Simms, Madison, and OPEN (Multiples are fine)
When: Probably around nine
Where: Simms' room, then poolside.

Fresh Air )

Apr. 29th, 2017



Day 76.

Weather: An incredibly dry, sunny 96°f.

Events: Those hoping for a fun vacation day are in for a bit of bad news. Those preparing to be dumped into an infested sewer pipe, good news! It's all about perspective, really.

Everyone wakes up in an old motel that looks like it was last updated sometime in the 70s. All of the rooms are identical, and yes, hideous. The motel is on an incredibly dusty desert road, and it's impossible to leave the property. Attempting to results in steady zapping via the implant in the back of the neck, and attempting to fight through it will eventually lead to the individual passing out.

Unfortunately, the motel doesn't have a lot to offer. There's a pool, but it's in need of a good cleaning. There are plenty of dead bugs and frogs floating around in there. The lobby has a coffee maker. There's a room with a few vending machines and an icemaker, but the food inside the vending machines is all there is to be found. The most nutritious options in there are pop tarts, crackers, or beef jerky. The rest is all candy and chips. Items cost anywhere from 75¢-$1, and each subject will find a $20 bill in their room somewhere. Chase and Cecilia have each been given a day's worth of cat or dog food respectively.

There's a housekeeping room with cleaning supplies. In the lobby are a few old board games and jigsaw puzzles. There's a TV in every room, but there's only 4 options of what to watch: 24 hours of Three's Company, Little House on the Prairie, an old gameshow called Bowling for Dollars, or partially scrambled 70s porno.

Simms has a room of his own, and is locked inside? But he's also got a window. If he wants out bad enough, he can break it and bail. Experiment B can also access a batcave very similar (although not entirely identical) to their own, and there's a greater supply of food and drink (and yes, booze) down there.

Each room also has a computer with network access, but it's a super old fashioned monstrosity of a computer.

Everyone only has the clothing they last wore. For most, that'll mean PJs. If you went to bed naked, you get whatever you were wearing before that.

Finally, Temple is not among the group. She has been removed.

Map behind a cut. )