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Feb. 23rd, 2016


Who: Cecilia and OPEN! (Owen and Willow? Willow and Owen? Whoever checks on her! XD)
When: Nighttime
Where: Cecilia's room

His name is Legion. He is the king of nowhere. )

Feb. 22nd, 2016


Who: Pam
When: after dusk
Where: Her room

A note, sitting on her floor )
Tags: ,


Who: Oliver, Kate and Owen
Where: Outside, front of the mansion
When: Immediately after this

We've got gremlins )

Feb. 21st, 2016


Who: Damon and Juliet
When: dusk
Where: outside at main water shutoff box, then back inside, then Damon's room

company )

Feb. 20th, 2016


Who: Juno and Lennon (and background Jack)
Where: Lennon's room
When: lunchtime

this sucked )


Who: Madison and Tobias
Where: Tobias' room
When: Around noon, soon after Pam leaves

hello tobias, i am the chocolate that will save you from pam's dementor )


Who: Edwin, Georgie, and Open
When: Afternoon
Where: Billiards Room

After a long stretch of being left alone to clean... )

Feb. 19th, 2016


Where: Kate's room and Pam's room - brief stops at her own room after either of those.
When: Morning

Bad Girls Club: Passive-Aggression Edition )


Who: Kiley and Juliet
Where: Foyer
When: Late morning

this day is bananas )


Who: Tobias and Pam
Where: Third floor
When: Morning

clean clean clean )


Who: Jim and Marco
When: Morning
Where: Marco's room

Hopefully no rugs were actually being harmed in the making of this production. )


Who: Avram and Cecilia
When: Morning
Where: Cecilia's room

This isn't awkward at all. )

Feb. 18th, 2016


Who: Marco
Where: His bathroom
When: 9AM

The water swirled... )


Who: Owen, Oliver, Kate, Edwin, Daphne and Pam
When: Shortly after 2am and this
Where: The billiards room

Read more... )


Who: Daphne.
When: Shortly after midnight.
Where: Marco's room (primarily)

Always have a back-up plan. )

Feb. 19th, 2016


Who: Madison
Where: The billiards room
When: 2am

season 1, episode 22: 'madison sets fire to a common area, pt II' )

Feb. 18th, 2016



Day 22.

Weather: The rain has finally stopped, but it's still dark and dreary. No real changes otherwise.

Events: If anyone is expecting TPTB to check in at some point and let people know how they're doing or if they're even on the right track... guess again. There is no communication from the assholes in charge. Anyone in need of confirmation that their job is still incomplete needs look no further than one of three sick beds. Because each of the three patients are steadily declining.

All symptoms presented yesterday are more severe today. The symptoms of dehydration are really beginning to set in. The characters will be experiencing headaches, rapid heartbeats, discomfort, and an increased thirst. Each patient's fever has increased by at least a degree or two, and now, joy of joys, the fever dreams and hallucinations are going to start. There will be periods of lucidity, but any sleep is going to be troubled and restless. The periods of hallucinations will be strongest after waking, but can occur randomly through-out the day. On top of that, they're all going to begin experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain. Just going to the bathroom and back is going to be enough to completely wind any of the three of them.

In short, anyone with the slightest bit of medical knowledge or first aid training will recognize that in the real world, Jack, Lennon, and Cecilia should most certainly be in a hospital by now.

The clock is ticking. Good luck.