November 2017



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Sep. 12th, 2016


A Sekrit Meeting

Who: Damon and Madison
When: around 2:45
Where: the craft room

on the down-low )

Sep. 8th, 2016


Who: EVERYBODY (Free-for-all tagging)
When: 7PM
Where: Dining Room

This needs to stop )

Sep. 7th, 2016


Who: Roman and Owen, with occasional outbursts from Simms
Where: 4th floor
When: After this

cooler heads had to prevail )


Who: Juno and Cecilia
Where: Juno's room
When: Around midday

Read more... )

Sep. 5th, 2016


Who: Chase and Lennon
Where: Lennon's Room
When: Shortly after this

Strike Three )

Sep. 3rd, 2016


Who: Chase and Lila (and Kiley)
When: Around 12:15 or so
Where: Kiley's room

blankness )


Who: Simms, Lennon, & Roman later
When: 11:30 AM
Where: Lennon's Room

Cruisin' for a bruisin' )


Who: Marco, Edwin and Oliver
Where: Oliver's Room
When: Early-Mid morning

One Ring to Rule Them All )

Sep. 1st, 2016


Who: Juno & Simms & Chase
When: Morning
Where: Outside the mansion
Trigger Warning: Simms is gross to women.

Hey, I know you. )



Day 48.

Weather: Sweater weather continues. Things are cool and calm. The winds have ceased, which should make leaf removal duty a lot easier.

Events: If you're expecting some sort of direction about what to do, or even an indication of whether or not Bucky did in fact bite the bullet, guess again. It's not so bad, though. If you want a clear indication, all you really have to do is go out your door. And in some cases, not even that.

It's like the reset button got hit as far as the house goes. All damages have been repaired, all stains have disappeared. The kitchen (and shops in town) have been restocked with all the foods and goodies they previously held. So, before you go binge-eating on a strict diet of bacon, chocolate, and fondue, it would be awfully decent of you to light a candle in Bucky's name. Oh, and there seems to be a somewhat increased supply of venison jerky in one of the pantries. Thaaaat's kind of a dick move, but what do you expect?

There's another change to the house as well. Actually, it's not a change to the house, really - just the property. In the far back right corner of the property, at least twenty yards beyond the backyard and the hedges, is a rather large shed. Inside are a decent supply of lawn-care tools (rakes, shovels, clippers and the like). Upstairs (yes, there's a storage loft in the shed), is a great deal of scrap parts. There's actually enough there to build a lawn-mower, if anyone wants to try and figure it out. There's a small supply of gas and oil to keep it running if it is built, and there's enough tools in the shed to get the job done, including some more heavy duty stuff that was previously absent from the hardware store. What could possibly go wrong when giving this lot access to a blowtorch?