November 2017



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Aug. 2nd, 2017


Who: Nicolae, OPEN
When: 9am-ish
Where: Kitchen

It all started when my dog began getting free roll over minutes. )


Who: Kiley and Juno
When: Afternoon
Where: The kitchen

how's that working out for you? )

Jul. 31st, 2017


Interesting Times

Who: Noah, tiny bearded dragon and Edwin
Where: kitchen/utility room area to start
When: about 10:30 a.m.

preoccupied )

Jul. 30th, 2017


Who: Lena and Pam
When: Morning
Where: Lena's room

I am a kitty. I do kitty things. )
Tags: , ,

Jul. 29th, 2017


Who: Owen, Cecilia, AND THEIR NEW ZOO
When: Early morning
Where: Cecilia's room/Owen's room

omgwtfbbq )


Who: Chase and Kiley
Where: Their room
when: Morning

Is it just me, or is it getting a little crowded in here? )

Jul. 28th, 2017


Who: Tara, open Juno
When: A little after 7 AM-ish
Where: Kitchen, to start

Oh kitten ... )

Jul. 27th, 2017



Day 87.

Weather: The snow has stopped. It's a very bright, sunny day - brighter still with the glare off of several feet of fresh snow.

Events: Regardless of where an individual fell asleep, everyone will wake up in their own bed and room. The doors to the halls (and their private bathrooms) are locked, and their computers are blinking with a message waiting to be read. It appears that Christmas break is over. Or is it?

Everyone has the same message waiting for them. It reads:

"Greetings, and Merry Christmas.

We have one last Christmas present for each of you. From us, to you, in appreciation of all you must go through here for the greater good. Each of you will find your Christmas present in your bathroom. First, we require that you answer a few questions. You must submit an answer for each question, and please answer as honestly and thoughtfully as possible. Thank you."

After closing the message, a series of questions pop up on the computer screen. An answer must be submitted to each, though the content doesn't matter. Answers are automatically and publicly posted to the network. They are:

"Did you expect to receive Christmas presents yesterday?"

"What is your favorite present (or presents) that you received? Who gave it to you?"

"Do you think you received more, or less, than your companions in the mansion? Does that bother you?"

"Did you enjoy getting an opportunity to 'shop' for gifts for people?"

"Is there anything you wanted that you did not get?"

"Does it surprise or disturb you that multiple individuals in the house chose to give genuine gifts to Simms?"

Once a subject has submitted their answers to the network, both of their doors audibly unlock and they are free to investigate their bathrooms. Inside... Read more... )