November 2017



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Mar. 17th, 2016


Who: Juno and Lennon
Where: Lennon's room
When: After this and seeing this

she simply smacked herself against his taller torso, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist )


Who: Jim and Juno
Where: Jim's room
When: Around 4:30pm

siri why does god allow suffering )
Tags: , ,

Mar. 15th, 2016


Who: Owen and Cecilia
Where: Out
Where: 5:30-ish and on

a break )

Mar. 14th, 2016


Who: Juliet and Pam
Where: Pam's room
When: afternoon

cultivating an ally )


Who: Avram and Maurya
When: After the 'party'
Where: Kitchen

Worst mountainside slaughter since the Donner party. )


Who: Oliver and Kate
When: Directly after this.
Where: Kitchen, then who knows?
What: It's a mystery!

womp womp )


Who: Lennon and Chase
Where: Lennon's room
When: around 2 p.m.

too much )


Who: Georgie and Edwin
Where: Second floor hot tub
When: At around 12:10pm

but then she had bathed in the actual North Atlantic in January for New Year's, and that had been survivable )

Mar. 12th, 2016



Where: Dining Room
When: 11am

Pizza parties are supposed to be FUN... )

Mar. 11th, 2016


Who: Madison and Kiley
Where: Outside by the pool
When: After pizza time

dear diary: fuck this )


Who: Tobias and Damon
When: Late afternoon
Where: The porch outside the living room

suppressed meltdown )

Mar. 10th, 2016


Who: Marco, a bike, and a hatchet
When: Right around 7, before this
Where: Marco's room, then the pharmacy.

It was supposed to be a good day... )


Who: Oliver, Owen, Cecilia, and Marco and Neptune
When: Mid-morning
Where: the pharmacy

Oh no you didn't )



Day 25.

Weather: Temperatures dip a few more degrees, but skies are clear. More leaves have fallen too, with about half of the leaves now off the trees.

Events: At 7 AM, everyone receives a message on their computers. It reads:


Though it was not a unanimous decision, the majority of you have placed your vote in favor of having a fully stocked pharmacy. This has been done.

From now on, we will not intervene or meddle in any matters of medication for any of you. Up until this point, those of you on prescribed daily medications - Marco, Avram, Madison, Kate, Jim, and Maurya - have simply found your doses waiting for you in your bathrooms each day. This will no longer happen. You will have to get your prescription medicines from the pharmacy, via Cecilia.

You did not really think we would give you free access to controlled medications, did you? It is not a candy shop, nor is it a toy store for you to experiment blindly in. We have granted access to the back room to Cecilia
only, and only she will have access to prescription medications and controlled substances. For the remainder of you, the rest of the pharmacy has been fully stocked, and you will have to content yourselves with over-the-counter medicines and remedies, or see Cecilia for something stronger.

From this point onward you are responsible for the state and cleanliness of the house and its grounds. If we feel you have grown careless with your surroundings, you will be punished.

Good day to you all.

Well, on the upside, everyone was probably expecting there to be a catch, right?

The pharmacy has indeed been fully stocked. All matter of first aid supplies, over the counter treatments, personal hygiene products, and yes, condoms and personal lubricants can be found within. At the front of the shop, there’s also a toy and candy aisle. The candy section offers convenience store candy from all the subjects countries of origin, and the toy section… is the stuff of nightmares that absolutely nobody asked for. That would be because there isn’t a single toy there from before the 1950s, and most of them are extremely unsettling.

At the back of the pharmacy, a door marked ‘pharmacists only’ has a scanner by the door, and it will open only for Cecilia’s ID bracelet.

But wait, there’s more. About those toys. At some point in the day, everyone in the house is going to have an up-close experience with one of them, whether they want to or not.

Chase will find an antique baby doll sitting on the staircase leading up to his bed when he wakes up.

When Cecilia first leaves her bedroom, even if it is only to use the bathroom, she will find a nurse doll sitting on her window seat when she returns.

Jack will find a clown sitting in the corner of his closet.

Kiley will find a rather disturbing teddy bear sitting on the stool next to her bathtub.

Evie will find a ridiculous doll sitting on her toilet.

Owen will probably hear his toy before he actually sees it. Waiting in his shower is a fireman windup toy that climbs the ladder and rings a bell.

Pam will find whatever the living hell this is cuddling with Hathaway.

After Marco leaves his room for the first time, he'll return to find this treasure waiting on his bed for a cuddle.

This abomination is straddling the fawcett of Lennon's bathroom sink.

Juno's fairy godmother is dangling from a string, at eye-level, directly inside her bathroom.

Tobias will find a new friend sitting in the chair directly across from his bed when he wakes up.

A bunny is waiting inside Juliet's underwear drawer.

Daphne's spirit animal is sitting at her make-up vanity.

When Avram first gets out of bed in the morning, this... thing is going to roll out from under his bed several feet.

When Madison leaves her room for the first time, this doll will be neatly tucked into her bed.

Whenever Oliver takes a shower, he will get out to find two dozen of these frozen mid-battle on his bedroom floor.

This thing is straddling the chandelier in Damon's bedroom when he first returns to his room.

Kate will find this unfortunate creature in her closet.

Is ceiling nun watching you masturbate, Jim? Let's hope not. She's sitting in the rafters of Jim's bedroom.

Willow will find this dummy in her fireplace in the morning.

The first time Georgie leaves her rooms, she'll return to see (and hear) this guy playing in the middle of her bathroom floor.

This little guy is standing under Edwin's bathroom sink. Judging him.

Finally, this bit of nightmare fuel will be crawling around Maurya's bathroom floor in the morning.