
Posts Tagged: 'link'

Oct. 25th, 2012




Who: Link and OPEN
What: Link gets a flat tire...
When: Thursday Morning
Where: TBD (Open, Depending on who wants to find him)
Status: In Progress
Rating: TBD; Will Update; Likely on the low end

What was it about city folk that made them so damn impractical )

Oct. 17th, 2012




Who: Navi and Link
What: Fun with bacteria!
Where: LInks' farm.
When: After this conversation.
Status: Complete!
Rating: G!

Let's make kefir! )

Sep. 29th, 2012




Who: Navi, Link.
What: Fertilizer delivery!
When: Saturday afternoon.
Where: Midori farms.
Rating: G for adorable.
Status: Complete.

Deku's Nursery calling! )