
Posts Tagged: 'commander+jane+shepard'

Mar. 13th, 2015




Who: Shepard and Regina.
What: Shep's drinking leads to loose lips.
When: Couple days ago.
Where: Shep's place!
Rating/Warnings: Low, language.
Status: Complete!

I'll never have those blue babies but that might be okay if I have you. )

Feb. 6th, 2015




Who: Shepard and Vakarian.
What: Finding names, kicking ass.
When: Before Cindy's house went boom.
Where: Crappy building, Outskirts of Town, CA.
Rating/Warnings: High, language and violence.
Status: Complete!

Knock knock. Avon calling. )

Jan. 8th, 2015




Who: Jane Shepard, Regina Mills
What: Lunch, in which Regina gets shot and Shepard goes biotic boss on people.
When: Few days ago.
Where: Random bistro, outdoors.
Rating/Warnings: Medium, language and violence.
Status: Complete!

This scars, and I’m tearing your spine out and feeding it to you. )

Dec. 14th, 2014




Who: Jane Shepard, Regina Mills
What: After arguing about Shepard's flirtatious tendencies, Regina accidentally does what she's good at and rips her heart out.
When: Recent-ish.
Where: On the Road/Regina's.
Rating/Warnings: High for language, heart ripping, snarky angst.
Status: Complete!

The pain was sharp, and then there was the feeling like all the air had been ripped from her limbs, and then... nothing. She felt absolutely nothing. )

Dec. 5th, 2014




Who: Jane Shepard, Regina Mills.
What: An emotional talk over wine about Henry.
When: Before Thanksgiving, before Neal left.
Where: Regina's.
Rating/Warnings: Medium, language.
Status: Complete!

She didn’t want to be alone either, but admitting that was something that wouldn’t roll off her tongue easily. )

Nov. 10th, 2014




Who: Cindy and Jane
What: JOYRIDING! Seeing the Mako, blowing shit up, etc
When: Recently works, I think
Where: Out by mountainous terrain
Rating: Mostly PG
Status: Complete

And she was ready to take control if something unexpected happened, like random hikers. Or a bear. )

Oct. 14th, 2014




Who: Kate Freelander, Jane Shepard
What: Random Encounter
When: Mid-September, Friday
Where: A Street Somewhere
Rating/Warnings: Low. There might be some cursing.
Status: Complete!

Kate was still thinking about pizza, more specifically where she could get pizza without walking all the way back to her apartment and leaving Isa. )

Oct. 12th, 2014




Who: Jane Shepard, Regina Mills
What: Shepard wakes up with her cybernetic implants.
When: Recent, during the middle of the night.
Where: Regina's house.
Rating/Warnings: Language, mentions of nudity.
Status: Complete!

So you're half-robot. )

Oct. 2nd, 2014




Who: Jane Shepard, Regina Mills.
What: Morning after Regina's, uh, first girl experience.
When: Recent, after their bar escapade.
Where: Regina's House.
Rating/Warnings: Mentions of sex, language.
Status: Complete.

I was thinking of trying to make you some eggs, but it's rude to burn down someone's kitchen. )




Who: Jane Shepard, Regina Mills.
What: Shepard keeps Regina from being mugged, and they end up at a lesbian bar.
When: Recent.
Where: Bar.
Rating/Warnings: Medium, language.
Status: Complete!

Sometimes I wish there was a universal 'I dig women' symbol. )

Sep. 6th, 2014




Who: Shepard and Garrus.
What: Shepard's drunk, and proves herself to be a biotic goddess at a bar.
When: Before the sleeping curse.
Where: Some sleazy watering hole.
Rating/Warnings: Medium, cursing.
Status: Complete!

It’s flat. You have a flat butt. Flat butt Vakarian. )