
Posts Tagged: 'aramis'

Apr. 8th, 2014




Who: Elizabeth and Aramis.
When: Early April (post-age plot).
Where: A library and a cafe.
What: A meeting.
Rating/Warning: Low, these two are mostly just adorable.
Status: Complete!

I think there’s a Spanish copy of Don Quixote somewhere here. Unless you’ve got that one stacked up, as well? )

Apr. 7th, 2014




Who: Aramis and Porthos.
What: Dealing with dream stuff.
When: April 7 (after these texts).
Where: Chateau d'Herblay.
Rating/Warnings: Low / Probably just angst and fluff.
Status: In progress.

He's flattered, really. )




Who:Aramis and D'Artagnan
What:A second attempt at watching Princess Bride-Dart still falls asleep.
When:Sunday night.
Where:D'Art's place.

Good would prevail. Starships set sail, And none of us would fail in this life )

Apr. 5th, 2014




Who:Aramis and D'Art
What:Having a moment!
When:Backdated to the other day
Where:D'Arts apartment.
Warning:A for adorable!
STATUS: complete!

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain.. )

Apr. 1st, 2014




Who: Aramis and Porthos.
What: The inevitable hook-up.
When: A few hours after this.
Where: Their respective homes, then just Chateau du Vallon.
Rating: High (NSFW adult situations).
Status: Complete.

Telling someone 'baciami' isn't cryptic! )




Who: Aramis and Porthos.
What: Meeting.
When: Very early March.
Where: A bar.
Rating: PG-13? Aggressive flirting and innuendo.
Status: Complete.

Grazie, Tesoro, vieni qui e baciami. )

Mar. 26th, 2014




Who:Aramis and D'Artagnan
What: Shooting away their woes.
When:Before the Irvine attack.
Where: A near by shooting range
STATUS: Complete.

I'm not that clumsy. )

Mar. 24th, 2014




Who: Athos and Aramis
What: Having drinks
When: Early March
Where: A bar
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Athos had been surprised to see Aramis was also in Orange County )

Mar. 16th, 2014



I’m thinking of trying to take some time to go San Francisco next month...

Who: Aramis and Anna
When: Early March
Where: Out for a hike
What: Exploring the world
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Oooh, the Golden Gate! I’ve never been up there. You’ll have to send me some pictures, or something... What are you going to do in San Francisco? I hear they have amazing sourdough. )

Mar. 11th, 2014




Who:D'Artagnan and Aramis
What:Random encounter.
Where:A coffee shop.
Rating: idk none that I can think of.
Status: in progress

He couldn't even figure out how to act online. Teenagers knew how to do it better than him. )

Mar. 9th, 2014




Who: Aramis and Mischa.
What: Buying pastries.
When: Backdated - March 5.
Where: Mischa's shop.
Rating: G.
Status: In progress.

Well, he wanted pastry. )

Mar. 5th, 2014




Who: Lulu and Aramis.
What: Baths.
When: After this thread.
Where: Aramis' place.
Rating/Warnings: TBA, but it's a one night stand so probably not G?
Status: In Progress.

She normally wasn't the type. )
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