
August 17th, 2020




Who: David Xanatos, NPC!Anton Sevarius
What: Xanatos goes to check on his new specimen
When: August 15th, during the end of the plot
Where: Gen-U-Tech labs
Rating/Warning: Teenish for violence and gore
Status: Complete | Narrative

You don't see that every day )




Who: Laurel and Sara
Where: Sara's apartment
What: Sara rises from the dead.
When: After White Raven does her stuff.
Rating: Medium
Open: No.

Lance's never seem to stay dead long. )




Who: Klaus Mikaelson and Hope Marshall (Mikaelson)
What: An awkward coffee date
When: Backdated to after this
Where: Coffee place near Klaus' gallery
Warnings: Maybe some talk of hybrid violence? Will update if this changes
Status: Log | Closed | In-progress

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